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Weber Course Reviews

Weber State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HNRS 1510LS Your Microbial You00000
HNRS 2030Chemistry of Art00000
HNRS 2120AHU Meaning of Life00000
HNRS 4830H Directed Readings00000
HNRS 1520SS Wicked Problems00000
HNRS 2110AHU The Meaning of Life00000
HNRS 2920Research Assistant00000
HNRS 4990H Honors Senior Project00000
HNRS 1110HU Construction of Knowledge00000
HNRS 2010Make a Joyful Noise00000
HNRS 2110BMedieval Warfare00000
HNRS 2900Globalization and Free Trade00000
HNRS 1540HU Prescription for Empathy00000
HNRS 2050SS Media TV History00000
HNRS 2130AHU/DV Islamic Renaissance00000
HNRS 4900Antiracism00000
HNRS 1500Co-Evolution of Life and Earth00000
HNRS 2040LS SUS Tree of Life00000
HNRS 2830Revisionist History Podcast00000
HNRS 4920REAL Projects00000
HNRS 1530CEL/CA Arts Bridge: Murals00000
HNRS 2020Tempestuous Petticoats00000
HNRS 2120BSS Feelings About Technology00000
HNRS 3900Diagnosing Disease00000