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Valencia West Course Reviews

Valencia College, West

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECO 2013Principles of Economics-Macro00000
EMS 1431LEmergency Med Tech Clin Practi00000
CIS 2941Intern Explor in Computer Stud00000
DEP 2004HDevelop Psychology Honors00000
COP 2220CC Programming00000
CET 4663Computer and Network Security00000
EET 2142CIntegrated Circuits00000
BSC 2093CHuman Anatomy and Physiology I00000
CJE 2600Criminal Investigation00000
CCJ 2930SEL_TOPICS:Human Trafficking00000
DEH 1602Periodontology I00000
CRW 2102Fiction II00000
CET 2881CDigital Forensics II00000
EAP 0381CLow Interm Comb Skills for ELL00000
BCT 1705Contracts, Codes, and Specs00000
EDF 3609Foundations of Education00000
CHM 1045CGen Chem with Qual Analysis I00000
EGN 2312Engineering Analysis-Statics00000
ARC 2303CArchitectural Design III00000
ENC 1102HFreshman Comp II-Honors00000
BUL 2242Business Law II00000
CNT 2000CNetwork Automation w Scripting00000
ARH 2050Introduction to Art History I00000
COP 2830CScripting Languages00000
CET 2118CFPGA Design using VHDL00000
CVT 2842LCardio Clinical Practicum III00000
CTS 1142CInformation Tech Proj Mgmt00000
CET 2792CInstall & Configure Window Svr00000
DEH 2605Periodontology Seminar00000
BCN 1303CB.I.M. (REVIT with Dynamo)00000
DES 1800LIntro/Clinical Procedures Lab00000
CET 3464CSoftware Apps in Eng Tech00000
EAP 1560CHigh Interm Grammar for ELL00000
APA 2942Internship In Accounting00000
EDF 2051Teaching and Learning Theory00000
CGS 2650Social Networking Job Search00000
EEC 2732Health, Safety, Nutrition00000
BSC 1010HGeneral Biology I Honors00000
EET 3329CCommunications Systems00000
CHM 2210COrganic Chemistry I00000
EGS 2004CElectrical Networks00000
AFA 2000Intro African-American Exp00000
EMS 2659LParamedic IV (Prov Field Int)00000
CJC 2000Introduction to Corrections00000
ENY 1002CPrinciples Of Entomology00000
ARC 2702History of Architecture II00000
CJL 2102Criminal Evidence and Proc00000
CCJ 2022Contemp Issues in Crim Justice00000
CNT 2417CCybersecurity Operations00000
AMH 2020U.S. History 1877 to Present00000
COP 2360CC# Programming00000
CET 2112CDigital Systems I00000
COT 2104CFoundations Discrete Math00000
ART 1300CDrawing I00000
CTS 1120CIntro to Network Security00000
CET 2179CA+ Concepts (Software)00000
CVT 2420CInvasive Cardiology II00000
CTS 2322CRed Hat Enterprise Linux00000
CET 2620CNetwork Firewalls00000
CVT 2843LCardio Clinical Practicum IV00000
AST 1002Astronomy00000
DEH 1802Dental Hygiene II00000
CET 2810CMicrosoft Exchange Server00000
DEH 2804Dental Hygiene III00000
APA 1111CCollege Accounting00000
DES 1100LDental Materials Lab00000
CET 2894CProjects in Cyber Security00000
DSC 1006Intro to Homeland Security00000
BCN 2563Building Systems Management00000
EAP 1500CHigh Interm Speech for ELL00000
CET 4367CMicrocontroller Devices00000
EAP 1620CAdvanced Reading for ELL00000
ACG 2450CComputer Accounting00000
ECO 2930SEL_TOPICS: Econ In The Movies00000
CGS 2100CComputer Fundamentals and Appl00000
EDF 2290Arts Wellness Elementary Class00000
BOT 2501CPlant Physiology00000
EDG 2413Learning Environments00000
CHM 1020Chemistry In Everyday Life00000
EET 1141CSemicond Devices and Circuits00000
ARC 1302CArchitectural Design II00000
EET 2942Intern in Elec Eng Tech00000
CHM 1046HGn Chm Qul Analysis II-Honors00000
EET 4950Senior Design Project00000
BSC 1020Human Biology00000
EGN 3428Engineering Mathematical Analy00000
CHM 2941Intern Explor in Chemistry00000
EMS 0110Emergency Medical Technician00000
ACG 2071CPrin of Managerial Accounting00000
EMS 2604Paramedic II00000
CIS 3304CManagement Information Systems00000
EMS 2930Selected Topics In EMS00000
BSC 2933Selected Topics in Biology00000
CJE 2062Peace, Conflict and the Police00000
ACG 2021CPrin of Financial Accounting00000
ACG 2110CIntermediate Accounting II00000
ANT 2000Introductory Anthropology00000
ART 2500CPainting I00000
CET 2615CRouting and Switching00000
CVT 1270Pathophysiology00000