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UWYO Course Reviews

University of Wyoming

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 1325Wyoming Archaeology00000
ANTH 2700Intro to Museology00000
ANTH 3310Intro Anth Resrch Methods00000
ANTH 4021Sem: Cultural Resource Mngt00000
ANTH 4135Quantitative Methods in Anthro00000
ANTH 4210Human Osteology00000
ANTH 4260Anth of Food, Culture, Nutri00000
ANTH 4350Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 4785Language and Racism00000
ANTH 501020th Cent Theory00000
ANTH 5110Zooarchaeology I00000
ANTH 5130Old World Arch00000
ANTH 5160GIS in Anthropology00000
ANTH 5230Forensic Anthro00000
ANTH 5320Political Anthro00000
ANTH 5765Language Humor & Games00000
ANTH 5900Practicum in College Teaching00000
ANTH 5990Internship00000
ANTH 1101FYS: Hoax, Myth & Charlatans00000
ANTH 2000Intro to Ling Anth00000
ANTH 3015Intro to World Music00000
ANTH 4000Conference00000
ANTH 4115Lithic Analysis00000
ANTH 4130Old World Arch00000
ANTH 4230Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 4340Culture Change00000
ANTH 4740Nat Am Lang & Culture00000
ANTH 4975Undrgrd Practicum:331000000
ANTH 5030Linguistic Anth00000
ANTH 5135Quant Methods Anth00000
ANTH 5175South American Prehistory00000
ANTH 5260Anth of Food, Culture, Nutri00000
ANTH 5350Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 5880Professionalism00000
ANTH 5960Thesis Research00000
ANTH 1200Intro to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 1450World Archaeology00000
ANTH 3300Ethnographic Methods00000
ANTH 4010Hist Anthr Thought00000
ANTH 4110Zooarchaeology I00000
ANTH 4145Origins of the State00000
ANTH 4170Geoarchaeology00000
ANTH 4255Bioarchaeology00000
ANTH 4320Political Anthropology00000
ANTH 4775Language and Gender00000
ANTH 5000Special Problems00000
ANTH 5020Biological Anthro00000
ANTH 5125NW Plains Prehist00000
ANTH 5170Geoarchaeology00000
ANTH 5210Human Osteology00000
ANTH 5340Culture Change00000
ANTH 5875Grad Practicum00000
ANTH 5940Cont Reg: Off Campus00000
ANTH 1300Intro Archaeology00000
ANTH 2600Forgotten Africa: Intro to Af00000
ANTH 3900Historical Archaeology00000
ANTH 4020Sem:Historical Archaeology00000
ANTH 4125NW Plains Prehist00000
ANTH 4160GIS in Anthropology00000
ANTH 4190Public Archaeology00000
ANTH 4300Anthro Of Religion00000
ANTH 4380Visual Anthropology00000
ANTH 4970Internship00000
ANTH 5015Arch Theory & Method00000
ANTH 5115Lithic Analysis00000
ANTH 5145Origins of the State00000
ANTH 5190Public Archaeology00000
ANTH 5310Environmental Anth00000
ANTH 5775Language and Gender00000
ANTH 5920Cont Reg: On Campus00000
ANTH 1100Intro Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 2200Understand Cult:8 Great Arch00000
ANTH 3400Hunters/Gatherers00000
ANTH 4120North Amer Arch00000
ANTH 4150Sem: Paleoindians00000
ANTH 4175South American Prehistory00000
ANTH 4310Environmental Anth00000
ANTH 4765Language Humor & Games00000
ANTH 5005Sem: Cultural Resource Mngt00000
ANTH 5120North Amer Arch00000
ANTH 5150Sem: Paleoindians00000
ANTH 5255Bioarchaeology00000
ANTH 5740N Am Lang & Culture00000
ANTH 5890Teaching Anth00000
ANTH 5980Dissertation Research00000