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UW Oshkosh Course Reviews

University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOLOGY 514Principles of Wildlife Management00000
BIOLOGY 108Honors: Concepts in Biology - Unity (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 104Q3Ecosphere in Crisis (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 766Advanced Topics in Biology00000
BIOLOGY 650Microbial Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 575Microbial Genetics00000
BIOLOGY 554Parasitology00000
BIOLOGY 549Ecology and Evolution00000
BIOLOGY 539Public Health and Food Microbiology00000
BIOLOGY 532Entomology00000
BIOLOGY 528Ornithology00000
BIOLOGY 525Field Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 519General Animal Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 141Principles of Heredity (XN)00000
BIOLOGY 506Neurobiology00000
BIOLOGY 456Related Readings00000
BIOLOGY 445Topics in Environmental Health00000
BIOLOGY 415Sonography General/Vascular Block II00000
BIOLOGY 407RT Block IV00000
BIOLOGY 376Population and Community Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 372Medical and Environmental Applications of Cell Biology and G...00000
BIOLOGY 351Evolution00000
BIOLOGY 345Plant Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 341Immunology00000
BIOLOGY 336Fresh Water Algae00000
BIOLOGY 328Ornithology (NS)00000
BIOLOGY 360Special Topics in Biology00000
BIOLOGY 796Independent Study in Biology/Microbiology00000
BIOLOGY 526Introductory Limnology00000
BIOLOGY 521Mycology00000
BIOLOGY 516Developmental Biology00000
BIOLOGY 513Medical Bacteriology (Lab)00000
BIOLOGY 508Comparative Anatomy00000
BIOLOGY 474Honors Thesis00000
BIOLOGY 446Independent Study00000
BIOLOGY 424Sonography Cardiac/Vascular Block I00000
BIOLOGY 410RT Registry Exam Completion00000
BIOLOGY 404RT Block I00000
BIOLOGY 375Microbial Genetics00000
BIOLOGY 325Field Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 350Electron Microscopy (Ns)00000
BIOLOGY 344Introduction to Hematology00000
BIOLOGY 339Public Health and Food Microbiology00000
BIOLOGY 332Entomology00000
BIOLOGY 327Microbial Ecology & Diversity00000
BIOLOGY 323Molecular and Cell Biology00000
BIOLOGY 318Wildlife Behavior and Conservation00000
BIOLOGY 314Principles of Wildlife Management00000
BIOLOGY 308Comparative Anatomy00000
BIOLOGY 302Internship in Environmental Health00000
BIOLOGY 300Internship in Biology00000
BIOLOGY 231Biology of Plants and Microbes (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 512Medical Bacteriology (Lecture)00000
BIOLOGY 61RT Continuing Registration00000
BIOLOGY 748Graduate Seminar in Biological Sciences00000
BIOLOGY 586Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 574Cell/Immunology Laboratory00000
BIOLOGY 550Electron Microscopy00000
BIOLOGY 541Immunology00000
BIOLOGY 536Fresh Water Algae00000
BIOLOGY 530Ichthyology00000
BIOLOGY 527Microbial Ecology & Diversity00000
BIOLOGY 523Molecular and Cell Biology00000
BIOLOGY 518Wildlife Behavior and Conservation00000
BIOLOGY 515Virology00000
BIOLOGY 105Biological Concepts - Unity (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 491Senior Survey00000
BIOLOGY 450Microbial Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 425Sonography Cardiac/Vascular Block II00000
BIOLOGY 414Sonography General/Vascular Block I00000
BIOLOGY 405RT Block II00000
BIOLOGY 313Medical Bacteriology (Laboratory)00000
BIOLOGY 309Microbiology00000
BIOLOGY 303Epidemiology00000
BIOLOGY 250Medical Mycology00000
BIOLOGY 230Biology of Animals (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 211Human Anatomy (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 106Biological Concepts - Diversity (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 349Ecology and Evolution00000
BIOLOGY 319General Animal Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 315Virology00000
BIOLOGY 310Biology of Gender00000
BIOLOGY 795Biology/Microbiology Thesis00000
BIOLOGY 710Biostatistics00000
BIOLOGY 576Population and Community Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 572Medical and Environmental Applications of Cell Biology and G...00000
BIOLOGY 545Plant Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 408RT Block V00000
BIOLOGY 386Ecosystems Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 374Cell/Immunology Laboratory00000
BIOLOGY 354Parasitology00000
BIOLOGY 104Ecosphere in Crisis (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 343Genetics - Lecture and Laboratory00000
BIOLOGY 338Environmental Toxicology00000
BIOLOGY 330Ichthyology (NS)00000
BIOLOGY 326Introductory Limnology00000
BIOLOGY 321Mycology00000
BIOLOGY 316Developmental Biology00000
BIOLOGY 312Medical Bacteriology (Lecture)00000
BIOLOGY 306Neurobiology00000
BIOLOGY 301Internship in Microbiology00000
BIOLOGY 233Microbial Survey (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 212Human Physiology (XL)00000
BIOLOGY 113Environmental Health Orientation00000