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UVA Course Reviews

University of Virginia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MDST 2000Introduction to Media Studies00000
MDST 2305Podcasting, Radio and Sound Production00000
MDST 2700News Writing00000
MDST 2870Writing Film Criticism for Popular Consumption00000
MDST 3105Latina/o Media Studies00000
MDST 3115Breaking Bad: Once Upon a Time with the Pests00000
MDST 3205New Latin American Cinema00000
MDST 3300Global Media00000
MDST 3375History of Music and Broadcasting in the US00000
MDST 3405Media Policy and Law00000
MDST 3409LGBTQ Issues in the Media00000
MDST 3420Media and Power in Iran00000
MDST 3500Topics in the History of Media00000
MDST 3504Topics in Global Media00000
MDST 3508Advanced Topics in Media Practice00000
MDST 3559New Course in Media Studies00000
MDST 3600Women and Television00000
MDST 3650Shooting the Western00000
MDST 3680The News Media00000
MDST 3701New Media Culture00000
MDST 3704Games and Play00000
MDST 3710Comics & Sequential Art00000
MDST 3720Social Media and Global South Societies00000
MDST 3750Money, Media, and Technology00000
MDST 3755Social Media and Society00000
MDST 3800Field Experience in Media Studies00000
MDST 3850History of Film III00000
MDST 4000Media Theory and Methods00000
MDST 4105Media and Citizenship00000
MDST 4200Sex and Gender Go to the Movies00000
MDST 4251Histories of Games00000
MDST 4351Aural Histories: Edison to Auto-Tune00000
MDST 4559New Course in Media Studies00000
MDST 4701Media and Everyday Life00000
MDST 4801Introduction to Documentary Production00000
MDST 7351Aural Histories: Edison to Auto-Tune00000
MDST 7703Introduction to the Digital Liberal Arts00000
MDST 8003Methods of Media Research00000
MDST 8966Master's Thesis Development00000
MDST 2559New Course in Media Studies00000
MDST 2810Cinema As An Art Form00000
MDST 3050History of Media00000
MDST 3108Media Law00000
MDST 3140Mass Media and American Politics00000
MDST 3206Documentary Film00000
MDST 3307Animated Media00000
MDST 3355Border Media00000
MDST 3404Democratic Politics in the New Media Environment00000
MDST 3406The Wire: Understanding Urban America Through Television at...00000
MDST 3410Media Ethics00000
MDST 3490Just Kiddin': Comedy & Humor Across Media00000
MDST 3502Special Topics in Film Genre00000
MDST 3505Special Topics in Diversity and Identity in Media00000
MDST 3510Topics in Media Research00000
MDST 3584Global Cinema00000
MDST 3640American Gangster Film00000
MDST 3662Disability and Media00000
MDST 3690Sports Journalism00000
MDST 3703Introduction to the Digital Liberal Arts00000
MDST 3706Media in China: Technology, Policy and Commerce00000
MDST 3712Interactive Storytelling00000
MDST 3740Cultures of Hip-Hop00000
MDST 3751Value, Values, Valuation00000
MDST 3760#BlackTwitter and Black Digital Culture00000
MDST 3830History of Film I00000
MDST 3900Specialized Field Experience in Media Studies00000
MDST 4010Distinguished Majors Thesis Writing or Research Project00000
MDST 4109Civil Rights Movement and the Media00000
MDST 4230Advanced Multimedia Reporting00000
MDST 4320Celebrities of Color00000
MDST 4510Capstone Topics00000
MDST 4670White Out: Screening White Supremacy00000
MDST 4712Gaming the World00000
MDST 4960Advanced Independent Projects in Media Studies00000
MDST 7701Media and Everyday Life00000
MDST 7803Computational Media00000
MDST 8001Histories of Media Technologies00000
MDST 8900Graduate Independent Study00000
MDST 2200Introduction to Film00000
MDST 2508Topics in Media Practice00000
MDST 2690Sports Journalism00000
MDST 3000Theory and Criticism of Media00000
MDST 3106History of U.S. Broadcasting00000
MDST 3110Hollywood Goes to Asia00000
MDST 3201New German Cinema00000
MDST 3230Basic Multimedia Reporting00000
MDST 3310Sound and Cinema00000
MDST 3402War and the Media00000
MDST 3630Screening Terrorism00000
MDST 3661Media Bodies00000
MDST 3757Design, Technology, Media00000
MDST 3840History of Film II00000
MDST 3903Media and Protest: The 1960s00000
MDST 4101Privacy & Surveillance00000
MDST 4106Media and the Kennedy Era00000
MDST 4210Global Environmental Media00000
MDST 4310Celebrity Studies00000
MDST 4411Media Technologies and Free Speech00000
MDST 4660Watching the Detectives00000
MDST 4704Political Economy of Communication00000
MDST 4803Computational Media00000
MDST 7559New Course in Media Studies00000
MDST 7704Political Economy of Communication00000
MDST 8000Media, Culture & Technology00000
MDST 8559New Course in Media Studies00000
MDST 8999Thesis Writing00000