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URI Course Reviews

University of Rhode Island

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMB 190Issues in Biotechnology55551
CSC 201Introduction to Computer Programming44351
BIO 422Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives55551
BIO 345Marine Environmental Physiology52551
PRS 491Public Relations Internship00000
PSY 489Problems in Psychology00000
PSY 662Psychological Services II: Administration and Interpretation...00000
SCA 359(BUS) Management Systems Analysis00000
PLS 322Power Units00000
PSC 371The Constitution and the Supreme Court00000
SOC 140XAnti-Black Racism and White Supremacy00000
PSY 435Applied Methods in Psychological Research00000
PRS 331Writing Public Relations00000
PSY 603Development00000
PLS 190Issues in Biotechnology00000
RLS 111Judaism, Christianity, and Islam00000
PSC 306Education Policy and Public Service Internship-MTI@URI00000
SCA 699Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
PHY 545Nanotechnology in Imaging and Therapy00000
PLS 350Herbaceous Garden Plants00000
SOC 274HHonors Section of SOC/PSC/CCJ 274: Criminal Justice System00000
PSC 435Theories of International Conflict00000
PSC 476Policy, Crime, and Justice00000
PHY 580Condensed Matter Physics I00000
PLS 401Plant Sciences Seminar00000
PSC 507Public Finance00000
PSY 385Perception00000
PRS 200Introduction to Event Management00000
PSY 477Preparation for Careers in Psychology00000
PHY 699Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
PSY 533Advanced Quantitative Methods In Psychology00000
PRS 441Public Relations Practices00000
PSY 612Structural Modeling00000
PHY 510Mathematical Methods of Physics I00000
PSY 692Directed Readings and Research Problems00000
PSC 221Islam and Its Civilization00000
RUS 101Beginning Russian I00000
PLS 250Plant Breeding and Genetics00000
SCA 463(BUS) Global Warehousing and Distribution Systems (WMS/OMS)00000
PSC 341Political Theory: Plato to Machiavelli00000
SCM 351X2020TV: Broadcasting Contemporary Issues00000
PHY 331Electricity and Magnetism00000
SOC 224HHonors Section of SOC 224: Health, Illness, and Medical Care00000
PSC 405HHonors Section of PSC/HDF 405: Policy Issues in Health and A...00000
SOC 330Police in Democratic Societies00000
PHY 560Experimental Methods00000
PSC 461The American Presidency00000
PLS 361Weed Science00000
PSC 503Problems In Public Personnel Administration00000
PHY 401Seminar In Physics00000
PLS 442Advanced Turf Management00000
PSC 551Internship in International Relations00000
PSC 573Administrative Law00000
PSC 582Special Topics Seminar00000
PHY 599Master's Thesis Research00000
PLS 498Teaching Practicum in Plant Sciences00000
PSC 590Internship In Public Administration and Policy00000
PSY 335The Psychology of Social Behavior00000
POR 497Directed Study00000
PSY 425Peace Psychology00000
PHY 670Quantum Mechanics II00000
PSY 465Introduction to Crisis Intervention00000
PRS 320Strategic Media Relations00000
PSY 479Topics in Psychology00000
PHY 483Laboratory And Research Problems In Physics00000
PSY 520Human Factors & Ergonomics00000
PRS 341Editing For Publication00000
PSY 599Master's Thesis Research00000
PLA 100Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio Development00000
PSY 607Advanced Psychopathology00000
PRS 442Strategic Media Communication00000
PSY 643Multicultural Mental Health00000
PHY 275Elementary Physics Laboratory III00000
PSY 670Field Experience In Psychological Services00000
PSC 116GIntroduction to International Politics00000
PSY 696Practicum: Teaching Psychology00000
PLS 210Plant Protection Practicum00000
RLS 221Islam and Its Civilization00000
PSC 274HHonors Section of CCJ/PSC 274: Criminal Justice System00000
SAF 404Food Systems, Sustainability and Health00000
PHY 540Modern Biological Physics00000
SCA 410(BUS) Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Practicum00000
PSC 322Politics of the Middle East00000
SCA 492Directed Study00000
PLS 311Fruit Culture00000
SCM 320X20Somethings TV00000
PSC 368Public Opinion00000
SMC 477Internship in Sports Media and Communication00000
PHY 204HHonors Section of PHY 204: Elementary Physics II00000
SOC 212Sociology of the Family00000
PSC 380Civil Rights Movement00000
SOC 242Sex and Gender00000
PLS 325Hydroponic and Greenhouse Vegetable Production00000
PSY 130GThe Problem of Hunger in the U.S.00000
PLS 592Nonthesis Research in Plant Sciences00000
PSY 235Theories of Personality00000
PSY 301Research Methods and Design in the Behavioral Sciences00000
PSC 421GSecularism and Islamism in the Modern World00000
OCG 693Special Studies00000
PHY 273Elementary Physics Laboratory I00000