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UPS Course Reviews

University of Puget Sound

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHIN 202Second Year Chinese00000
CHIN 260Situational Oral Expression00000
CHIN 307Through the Cinematic Lens: Old and New China in Film00000
CHIN 102First Year Chinese00000
CHIN 230Grammar and Articulation00000
CHIN 303Greater China: Commerce and the Media00000
CHIN 309Phoenix Claws and Lion's Head: Food and Chinese Culture00000
CHIN 101First Year Chinese00000
CHIN 216Chinese Corner: Conversation00000
CHIN 301Across the Strait: Cultures of China and Taiwan00000
CHIN 311Chinese Thought: From the Dao to Mao00000
CHIN 201Second Year Chinese00000
CHIN 250Culture and Communication00000
CHIN 305From Bamboo Grove to Cyberspace: Chinese Literary Texts Now...00000