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UPG Course Reviews

University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 1610United States Colonial00000
IL 1822Student Teaching- K-1200000
ENGCMP 0020College Composition 200000
HCM 1950Senior Project00000
ENGLIT 1950English Literature Capstone00000
COMMRC 1129Environmental Rhetoric00000
IL 1220Language Arts in the Primary Years00000
CHEM 1410Physical Chemistry 100000
ENGLIT 0626Science Fiction00000
CJ 0002Crime, Law, and Public Policy00000
HAA 0150Ancient Art00000
ENGWRT 1210Poetry Workshop00000
COMMRC 0005Interviewing And Information Gathering00000
HIST 1010Historical Inquiry And Methods00000
CHEM 0260Introduction To Analytical Chemistry Lab00000
HIST 1970Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Experience00000
CS 0405Programming Using Python00000
IL 1420Science In The Primary Years00000
BIOSC 1110Human Anatomy And Physiology 100000
INDIST 0200Wellness and Resilience for College and Beyond00000
CHEM 1710Undergraduate Research00000
ENGLIT 1325Modernism00000
BIOSC 1371Environmental Health00000
ENGWRT 0411Introduction To Creative Nonfiction00000
CJ 1116Organized Crime00000
GEOG 0101World Regional Geography00000
ENGWRT 1530Writing and Healing Arts: Writing and the Body00000
CJ 1750Special Topics00000
HCM 0100Introduction to Healthcare Management00000
BIOSC 1940Molecular Biology00000
HIST 0501Modern Latin America00000
COMMRC 1012Digital Storytelling 100000
HIST 1222Narcos And Justice: The Failed Drug Wars In Latin America An...00000
BIOSC 0951Human Anatomy And Physiology Laboratory 100000
HIST 1733Religious Diversity00000
COMMRC 1310Advertising Strategy And Practices00000
IL 1060Education of Exceptional Students in the Classroom 100000
CHEM 1250Instrumental Analysis00000
IL 1280Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools00000
ECON 0220Intro to Health Economics00000
IL 1700Early Field Experience-Elem00000
ANTH 1627Primitive Technology00000
IL 1884Early Childhood Teaching Seminar Abroad00000
ENGLIT 0325The Short Story00000
INFSCI 1024Analysis Of Information Systems00000
BIOSC 1150History of Evolutionary Thought00000
ENGLIT 1125Masterpieces Of Renaissance Literature00000
CHEM 1952Analytical Laboratory Internship00000
ENGLIT 1645Critl Apprch to Children's Lit00000
ANTH 1760Anthropology of Law00000
ENGR 0082Freshman Engineering Seminar 200000
CJ 0145Drugs and Society00000
ENGWRT 1022Digital Storytelling 200000
BIOSC 1510Cell Biology Laboratory00000
ENGWRT 1380News Practicum: the Insider00000
CJ 1130Minority Issues in Criminal Justice00000
FS 0024Cornerstone00000
ENGWRT 1955English Writing Capstone00000
CJ 1250Junior Seminar00000
GER 0043Elementary German 300000
BIOSC 1850Microbiology00000
HAA 0402Women Artists00000
CLASS 0010Greek Civilization00000
HCM 1100Management, Design, and Optimization of Healthcare Processes00000
BIOSC 0170Foundation of Biology 100000
HIST 0500Colonial Latin America00000
COMMRC 0330Cultural Studies And Communication00000
HIST 0711World History 1500 to the Present00000
BIOSC 1963Biology Research - Independent Study00000
HIST 1087World War 200000
COMMRC 1035Visual Rhetoric00000
HIST 1470Eurasian Currents/ Silk Roads Of The Common Era00000
ANTH 1510Survey World Prehistory00000
HIST 1730The Mongols00000
COMMRC 1155The History of Rhetoric in American Advertising00000
HIST 1793History Of Iran00000
CHEM 0340Organic Chemistry Laboratory 200000
HUMAN 1100Arts Timeline00000
COMMRC 1900Communication Internship00000
IL 1161Social Studies In The Primary Years00000
BIOSC 0981Medical Microbiology Lab00000
IL 1236Pedagogy Lab - English00000
CS 1902Directed Study00000
IL 1330Strategies and Techniques of Instruction - Early Childhood00000
CHEM 1275Introduction To Chemometrics00000
IL 1441Pedagogy Lab - Science00000
ELED 0020Directed Tutoring in Elem Ed00000
IL 1811Pre Student Teaching - Secondary00000
ANTH 1310Migration And Diasporas00000
IL 1875Student Teaching Seminar - Early Childhood00000
ENGCMP 1150Grammar and Copy-Editing00000
IL 1894Secondary Education Teaching Seminar Abroad00000
CHEM 1420Physical Chemistry 200000
ENGLIT 0570American Literature00000
ANTH 0582Introduction To Archeology00000
ANTH 1410Reproductive Politics00000
ASTRON 0088Stonehenge To Hubble00000
BIOSC 1760Immunology00000
CJ 1202American Constitutional Law00000
FS 0002Freshman Seminar00000