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uOttawa Course Reviews

University of Ottawa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ESL 2341Reading Between the Lines: Reading Critically00000
ESL 3351Speak Up and Speak Out: Oral Communication in Academic and Professional Contexts00000
ESL 4100Capstone Seminar: Reflection and Next Steps Toward Lifelong Language Learning00000
ESL 2121Creating Meaning: Reading to Improve Writing Skills00000
ESL 2371Bending the Rule: Oral and Written Grammar at the Advanced Level00000
ESL 3363Getting to the Point: Writing in Business and Administrative Contexts00000
ESL 4375Understanding Culture through Language00000
ESL 2122What did you Hear? Listening to Improve Speaking Skills00000
ESL 2372Did you say ‘can’ or ‘can’t’? Clarity in Speech and Pronunciation00000
ESL 3371Sharpen your Skills: Grammar in Academic and Professional Contexts00000
ESL 4391Language Learning through Literature, Film and Digital Media00000
ESL 2112Interactions in English: Improving Oral and Written Proficiency - Intermediate II00000
ESL 2100Learning to Learn: Strategies for Effective Language Learning00000
ESL 2361State your Position: Writing with a Purpose00000
ESL 3361Write to be Read: Writing Academic Papers00000
ESL 2332Explore the English-speaking World: Refine your Listening Skills00000
ESL 2391Community-Based Language Learning00000
ESL 3373Building Your Word Bank: Vocabulary Enrichment in Context00000
ESL 2113Honing the Rule: Grammar at the Intermediate Level00000
ESL 2351Let’s Talk about it: Oral Communication in Academic Contexts00000
ESL 3100Second Language Proficiency: Practice and Assessment00000