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UNG Online Course Reviews

University of North Georgia, Online

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HSDA 4100Context of Aging00000
HSDA 5180Research Methods in Human Serv00000
HSDA 3110Diversity and Social Justice00000
HSDA 4110Successful Aging00000
HSDA 5200Field Practicum I00000
HSDA 3150Organizing Human Services Delivery00000
HSDA 4120Resources for Aging Population00000
HSDA 6100Contexts of Aging00000
HSDA 3190Program, Planning, Evaluation, and Funding00000
HSDA 4130Communicating w/ Older Adults00000
HSDA 3170Ethics and Values in Human Services Delivery00000
HSDA 4201Service Learning in Human Services Delivery and Administrati...00000
HSDA 6120Adv Res Plan for Aging Pop00000