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UND Course Reviews

University of North Dakota

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 107Precalculus11421
MATH 166Calculus II32231
MATH 92Algebra Prep II00000
MATH 105Trigonometry00000
MATH 146Applied Calculus I00000
MATH 266Elementary Differential Equations00000
MATH 330Proof, Set Theory, and Logic00000
MATH 403Theory of Probability00000
MATH 421Statistical Theory I00000
MATH 441Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 477Topics in Elementary School Mathematics00000
MATH 513Modern Analysis II00000
MATH 519Algebra II00000
MATH 997Independent Study00000
MATH 93Algebra Prep III00000
MATH 165Calculus I00000
MATH 265Calculus III00000
MATH 321Applied Statistical Methods00000
MATH 399Methods for Secondary Teachers: Mathematical Content Knowled...00000
MATH 409Geometry00000
MATH 431Introduction to Analysis I00000
MATH 461Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 505Seminar in Mathematics00000
MATH 521Topology II00000
MATH 208Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 397Cooperative Education00000
MATH 408Combinatorics00000
MATH 422Statistical Theory II00000
MATH 460Mathematical Modeling00000
MATH 494Reading Course in Mathematics00000
MATH 516Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 542Advanced Topics in Statistics and Probability00000
MATH 98Intermediate Algebra00000
MATH 112Transition to Calculus00000
MATH 207Introduction to Linear Algebra00000
MATH 308History of Mathematics00000
MATH 377Geometry Elementary Teachers00000
MATH 400Methods for Teaching Middle and Secondary Mathematics; Pedag...00000
MATH 412Differential Equations00000
MATH 432Introduction to Analysis II00000
MATH 471Introduction to Complex Variables00000
MATH 512Modern Analysis I00000
MATH 541Linear Statistical Models00000
MATH 103College Algebra00000
MATH 115Introduction to Mathematical Thought00000
MATH 277Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers00000
MATH 352Introduction to Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 405Selected Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 425Cryptological Mathematics00000
MATH 442Linear Algebra00000
MATH 488Senior Capstone00000
MATH 515Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 520Topology I00000
MATH 998Thesis00000
MATH 435Theory of Numbers00000
MATH 495Readings in Mathematics00000
MATH 518Algebra I00000
MATH 996Continuing Enrollment00000