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UNCC Course Reviews

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AERO 1101Foundations of the Air Force I00000
AERO 3101Leadership Studies I00000
AERO 3202LPersp On Ethics/Justice Lab00000
AERO 2101LDev Air Power I Lab00000
AERO 3201Nat Sec Iss-Amer Society00000
AERO 1101LAir Force Today I Lab00000
AERO 3102LDef Admin And Mil Mgmt Lab00000
AERO 1102Foundations of Air Force II00000
AERO 2102Evol of Aerospace Studies II00000
AERO 3202Persp On Ethics/Justice00000
AERO 1100Leadership Laboratory00000
AERO 2102LDev Air Power II Lab00000
AERO 3201LNat Sec Iss-Amer Society Lab00000
AERO 1102LAir Force Today II Lab00000
AERO 3101LLeadership and Management Lab00000
AERO 4101Prep for Active Duty I00000
AERO 2101Evol of Aerospace Studies I00000
AERO 3102Leadership Studies II00000
AERO 4102Prep for Active Duty II00000