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UN Omaha Course Reviews

University of Nebraska Omaha

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AE 3070Mechanics Of Materials Lab00000
AE 4150Hvac Design00000
AE 8010Graduate Design Project I00000
AE 8140Special Topics In Architectural Engineering - Building Energ...00000
AE 8510Masonry And Timber Design00000
AE 3100Hvac Fundamentals00000
AE 4200Lighting II: Theory, Des & App00000
AE 8206Lighting II: Theory, Des & App00000
AE 8800Graduate Seminar In Architectural Engineering And Constructi...00000
AE 1010Intro To Architectural Engr00000
AE 4250Lighting Design00000
AE 8040Interdisciplinary Team Design 200000
AE 8220Electrical Systems For Buildings II00000
AE 8920Individual Instruction In Architectural Engineering00000
AE 3220Electrical Systems For Buildings I00000
AE 8020Graduate Design Project II00000
AE 8080Applied Experimental Design And Statistical Analysis00000
AE 8330Adv Architectural Acoustics00000
AE 3300Building Acoustics Fund00000
AE 8000Architectural Engineering Graduate Seminar00000
AE 8120Building Control And Automation Systems00000
AE 8260Building Communication Systems00000
AE 8990Master's Thesis00000
AE 3200Lighting I: Fund For Design00000
AE 4940Special Topics In Architectural Engineering IV00000
AE 8030Interdisciplinary Team Design Project I00000
AE 8250Daylighting00000
AE 8940Special Topics In Architectural Engineering00000
AE 4120Building Energy II: Sec Sys00000
AE 8060Architectural Engineering Professional Practice I00000
AE 8306Advanced Noise Control00000
AE 9990Doctoral Dissertation00000
AE 1000Durham School Of Architectural Engineering And Construction...00000
AE 4300Advanced Noise Control00000
AE 8110Indoor Air Quality Engineering00000
AE 9970Research Other Than Thesis00000