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UMW Course Reviews

University of Mary Washington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DGST 201Tinkering, Hacking & Making00000
DGST 301BSpecial Topic: Digital Journal00000
DGST 301EVirtual and Augmented Reality00000
DGST 301FDocumentary Film00000
DGST 302Creative Coding00000
DGST 395Applied digital Studies00000
DGST 491Individual Study00000
DGST 101Intro to Digital Studies00000
DGST 301HDocumentary Film Prod00000
DGST 301CDigital Media Studio00000
DGST 301ASpecial Topic: Creative Coding00000
DGST 301DDigital Design Workshop00000
DGST 303Digital Media Studio00000
DGST 483Digital Proj Consulting Pract.00000