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UMN Course Reviews

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACL 5231Ethical Dilemmas and Legal Issues for Cultural Leaders00000
ACL 6002Capstone: Applied Research Project00000
ACL 8201Creative Leadership in Practice00000
ACL 5100Topics in Arts and Cultural Leadership00000
ACL 5993Directed Studies00000
ACL 6201Reimagining Cultural Leadership00000
ACL 8202Service Leadership and Board Practicum00000
ACL 5241Financial Management for Arts Nonprofits, Community Organiza...00000
ACL 6003Capstone: Reflections and Presentation00000
ACL 8003Capstone: Reflections and Presentation00000
ACL 5221Creative Entrepreneurship and Resource Development00000
ACL 8002Capstone: Applied Research Project00000
ACL 5251Courageous Imagination in Action: Art and Culture as Forces...00000
ACL 6202Service Leadership and Board Practicum00000
ACL 5211Trends and Impacts in Arts and Cultural Leadership and Manag...00000
ACL 6001A Multiplicity of Ways: Epistemologies In the 21st Century00000
ACL 8001Introduction to Critical and Cultural Inquiry in Arts and Cu...00000