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UMass Course Reviews

University of Massachusetts Amherst

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HONORS 201HIdeas That Change the World4243.52
ECON 103Introduction to Microeconomics4.54.5442
PHYSICS 131Intro Physics I3.5242.52
JOURNAL 300Newswriting and Reporting53551
MIENG 664Engineering Leadership and Entrepreneurship53441
JOURNAL 352Public Relations Research and Analytics43451
MATH 127HCalc Life-Soc Sci I11221
BDIC 396PProposal Writing14211
COMPSCI 383Artificial Intelligence54451
CHEM 111Gen Chem-Sci42441
BIOLOGY 151Introductory Biology I11111
AFROAM 391KSeminar- Black Love, Sex, and Marriage in the U.S.00000
ANIMLSCI 302Development and Training of the Horse00000
ANIMLSCI 391MBiotech Research -Animal Models II00000
ANIMLSCI 397TSpecial Topics- Sea Turtle Preservation in Costa Rica00000
AEROSPAC 496ISHHonors Independent Study00000
AFROAM 398Practicum00000
ANIMLSCI 445AEquine Reproduction00000
ANIMLSCI 485Small Animal Anesthesia & Surgery00000
AFROAM 597RSpecial Topics- Reparations for African Descendants in Theor...00000
ANIMLSCI 497VSpecial Topics- Clinical Animal Behavior00000
ANIMLSCI 581Cancer Biology00000
ACCOUNTG 499PHonors Project00000
AFROAM 170The Grassroots Experience in American Life and Culture I00000
AFROAM 692TSeminar- Gender and Power in the Atlantic World00000
ANIMLSCI 699Masters Thesis00000
ANIMLSCI 297VSpecial Topics- Anatomy Lab for Vet Techs00000
AFROAM 345Southern Literature00000
ANIMLSCI 372Animal Diseases00000
AEROSPAC 398Practicum00000
ANIMLSCI 397LSpecial Topics- Vet Clinical Lab00000
AFROAM 396Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 415LClinical Nursing Lab00000
ACCOUNTG 483CPA Law00000
ANIMLSCI 456Research Animal Management II00000
AFROAM 499THonors Thesis00000
ANIMLSCI 494GIGood Intentions00000
AFROAM 118Survey of Afro-American Literature II00000
ANIMLSCI 499THonors Thesis00000
AFROAM 691MS-Life & Thought of C.L.R. James00000
ANIMLSCI 697IST-Special Topcs in Toxicology00000
ACCOUNTG 331Cost Acctg00000
AFROAM 696AIS-Qualifying Examination00000
ANIMLSCI 899Ph D Dissertation00000
ANTHRO 103Human Origins and Variation00000
ANTHRO 104HCulture, Society and People00000
ACCOUNTG 499YHonors Research00000
AFROAM 234Literature of Harlem Renaissance00000
AFROAM 701Major Works in Afro-American Studies I00000
AFROAM 796Independent Study00000
AFROAM 235Black Sociological/Philosophical Thought00000
ANIMLSCI 101Introduction to Animal Science00000
ANIMLSCI 105Introduction to Veterinary Technology00000
ACCOUNTG 396Independent Study00000
AEROSPAC 112Air Force Heritage and Values II00000
AFROAM 264Foundations of Black Education in the U.S.00000
ANIMLSCI 115Large Animal Clinical Nursing00000
ANIMLSCI 297BST-A.I. Certificatn00000
AFROAM 331Life of W.E.B. Du Bois00000
ANIMLSCI 297DST-Dairy Calf Management00000
AEROSPAC 335Leading People and Effective Communication I00000
ANIMLSCI 332Basic Animal Nutrition & Feeding00000
AFROAM 390MRace and the American Story00000
ANIMLSCI 366Veterinary Microbiology Lab00000
ACCOUNTG 472Corporate Taxation00000
ANIMLSCI 396Independent Study00000
AFROAM 393NSeminar- Devised Theater: It's Festival Time!00000
ANIMLSCI 397MSpecial Topics- Wildlife Conservation & Vet Med/Belize00000
AEROSPAC 496Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 398Practicum00000
AFROAM 397BST-Native American/African American00000
ANIMLSCI 425LVeterinary Parasitology Lab00000
ACCOUNTG 321Intermediate Financial Accounting I00000
ANIMLSCI 455VLLaboratory Animal Medicine and Management lab00000
AFROAM 496ISHHonors Independent Study in AFROAM00000
ANIMLSCI 465Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging00000
AFROAM 101ISHIntroduction to Black Studies with Honors Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 491MBiotech Research -Animal Models III00000
AFROAM 597MSeminar- Third World Marxism00000
ANIMLSCI 496Independent Study00000
ACCOUNTG 496ISHHonors Independent Study in Accounting00000
ANIMLSCI 498Practicum00000
AFROAM 630Critical Race Theories00000
ANIMLSCI 521Physiol Of Reprod00000
AFROAM 155Revolutionay Concepts in Afro-American Music I00000
ANIMLSCI 597CSpecial Topics- Veterinary Oncology00000
AFROAM 691DSeminar- Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement00000
ANIMLSCI 697CSpecial Topics- Carcinogenesis00000
ACCOUNTG 222Principles of Managerial Accounting00000
ANIMLSCI 795AJournal Club in Cells, Genes and Development00000
AFROAM 693BSeminar- The Rise of the Carceral State00000
ANTHRO 101Biology, Culture and the Human Experience00000
AFROAM 196Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 191ANSCI1RAP - First Year Seminar00000
AFROAM 291GSeminar- Reading, Writing & Citizenship: African American Ed...00000
ANIMLSCI 196ISHHonors Independent Study in ANIMLSCI00000
ANIMLSCI 220Phys&Anat/Dmstc Anml00000
AEROSPAC 196ISHHonors Independent Study00000
AFROAM 293BSeminar- The African Diaspora & the War on Drugs00000
ANIMLSCI 233Boer Goat Management00000