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UManitoba Course Reviews

University of Manitoba

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 1500Introduction to Calculus3.52.532.52
MATH 2130Engineering Mathematical Analysis55551
MATH 1090Mathematical Reasoning in Euclidean Geometry00000
MATH 1230Differential Calculus00000
MATH 1501Introduction au calcul00000
MATH 1710Applied Calculus 200000
MATH 2080Introduction to Analysis00000
MATH 2091Algèbre linéaire 200000
MATH 2311Géométrie euclidienne et non euclidienne00000
MATH 3320Algebra 200000
MATH 3361Combinatoire 200000
MATH 3460Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 4270Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 4360Introduction to Differential Geometry00000
MATH 4470Rings and Modules00000
MATH 7290Complex Analysis 200000
MATH 7370Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis00000
MATH 7460Partial Differential Equations 200000
MATH 8620Analysis in Non-commutative Hardy Spaces (Part B)00000
MATH 1080Fundamentals of Mathematical Reasoning00000
MATH 1241ÉLéMents De MathéMatiques DiscrèTes00000
MATH 1510Applied Calculus 100000
MATH 2030Combinatorics 100000
MATH 2081Introduction à l'analyse00000
MATH 2150Multivariable Calculus00000
MATH 2720Multivariable Calculus00000
MATH 3322Algebra 300000
MATH 3370Graph Theory 200000
MATH 3440Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 3490Optimization00000
MATH 4300Combinatorial Geometry00000
MATH 4370Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis00000
MATH 4910Symbolic Powers of Edge Ideals00000
MATH 7340Introduction to Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 8210Extremal Combinatorics00000
MATH 8996MSc project 1 (Part A)00000
MATH 1010Applied Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 1232Integral Calculus00000
MATH 1701Calcul II00000
MATH 2040Curves and Surfaces00000
MATH 2132Engineering Mathematical Analysis 200000
MATH 2161Analyse numérique 100000
MATH 2740Mathematics of Data Science00000
MATH 3360Combinatorics 200000
MATH 3420Numerical Analysis 200000
MATH 4240Advanced Group Theory00000
MATH 4340Introduction to Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 4390Numerical Approximation Theory00000
MATH 7240Advanced Group Theory00000
MATH 7360Introduction to Differential Geometry00000
MATH 7470Rings and Modules00000
MATH 8910Differential Forms and Topology00000
MATH 1020Mathematics in Art00000
MATH 1220Linear Algebra 100000
MATH 1700Calculus 200000
MATH 2031Combinatoire 100000
MATH 2090Linear Algebra 200000
MATH 2160Numerical Analysis 100000
MATH 2721Calcul à plusieurs variables00000
MATH 3330Computational Algebra00000
MATH 3380Introduction to Projective Planes00000
MATH 3472Real Analysis 300000
MATH 4260Abstract Measure Theory00000
MATH 4330Fundamentals of Approximation Theory00000
MATH 4450Number Theory 200000
MATH 7270Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 7330Fundamentals of Approximation Theory00000
MATH 7450Number Theory 200000
MATH 8510Introduction to Commutative Algebra00000
MATH 1018Pre-Calculus in Practice00000
MATH 1210Techniques of Classical and Linear Algebra00000
MATH 1240Elementary Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 1520Introductory Calculus for Management and Social Sciences00000
MATH 2070Graph Theory 100000
MATH 2170Number Theory 100000
MATH 3120Applied Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 3331Algèbre computationnelle00000
MATH 3410Introduction to Mathematical Logic00000
MATH 3480Set Theory00000
MATH 4280Basic Functional Analysis00000
MATH 4320Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 4440Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 7260Abstract Measure Theory00000
MATH 7320Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 7440Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 8140Advanced Numerical Analysis of Differential & Integral Equat...00000
MATH 8810Introduction to Convexity00000
MATH 0401Habiletés mathématiques00000
MATH 1191Sujets choisis en mathématiques (Partie B)00000
MATH 1300Vector Geometry and Linear Algebra00000
MATH 2020Algebra 100000
MATH 2071Théorie des graphes 100000
MATH 2140Modelling00000
MATH 2180Real Analysis 100000
MATH 3132Engineering Mathematical Analysis 300000
MATH 3340Complex Analysis 100000
MATH 3470Real Analysis 200000
MATH 3610Introduction to Mathematical Modelling00000
MATH 4380Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 7280Basic Functional Analysis00000
MATH 7380Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 8410Mathematical Epidemiology00000
MATH 1081Principes fondamentaux du raisonnement mathématique00000
MATH 1301Géométrie vectorielle et algèbre linéaire00000
MATH 3390Introduction to Topology00000
MATH 4290Complex Analysis 200000
MATH 4460Partial Differential Equations 200000
MATH 7300Combinatorial Geometry00000
MATH 7390Numerical Approximation Theory00000
MATH 8610Functional Analysis Applied to Elliptic PDE00000