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UManitoba Course Reviews

University of Manitoba

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOE 0600Farm Machinery00000
BIOE 0710Materials Handling and Electrical Controls00000
BIOE 2110Transport Phenomena00000
BIOE 2590Biology for Engineers00000
BIOE 2600Plant and Animal Physiology for Engineers00000
BIOE 2800Solid Mechanics00000
BIOE 3100Agricultural Engineering Fundamentals for Agronomists00000
BIOE 3320Engineering Properties of Biological Materials00000
BIOE 3530Engineering Fundamentals00000
BIOE 3590Mechanics of Materials in Biosystems00000
BIOE 4240Graduation Project00000
BIOE 4414Imaging and Spectroscopy for Biosystems00000
BIOE 4420Crop Preservation00000
BIOE 4560Structural Design in Wood00000
BIOE 4600Design of Water Management Systems00000
BIOE 4620Remediation Engineering00000
BIOE 4650Textiles in Healthcare and Medical Applications00000
BIOE 4950Biosystems Engineering Design 400000
BIOE 7180Bioprocessing00000
BIOE 7230Advanced Topics on Light-Frame Buildings00000
BIOE 7260Research Methods in Biosystems Engineering00000
BIOE 7280Discrete Element Modeling in Biosystems Engineering00000
BIOE 7310Materials Incorporation into Soil00000
BIOE 7360Biological Systems: Behaviour, Modelling and Simulation00000
BIOE 7380Biomaterial Science and Engineering00000
BIOE 0222Precision Agriculture- Technological Tools for Decision Maki...00000
BIOE 0700Agricultural Buildings and Environments00000
BIOE 2480Impact of Engineering on the Environment00000
BIOE 2790Fluid Mechanics00000
BIOE 2900Biosystems Engineering Design 100000
BIOE 3270Instrumentation and Measurement for Biosystems00000
BIOE 3400Design of Structural Components in Machines00000
BIOE 3900Biosystems Engineering Design 200000
BIOE 4412Design of Light-Frame Building Systems00000
BIOE 4416Design and Evaluation of Flexible Materials00000
BIOE 4460Air Pollution Assessment and Management00000
BIOE 4590Management of By-Products from Animal Production00000
BIOE 4610Design of Assistive Technology Devices00000
BIOE 4640Bioengineering Applications in Medicine00000
BIOE 4900Biosystems Engineering Design 300000
BIOE 7110Grain Storage00000
BIOE 7140Advanced Irrigation and Drainage00000
BIOE 7200Bulk Solids Storage and Handling00000
BIOE 7240Nanotechnology in Biomaterials00000
BIOE 7270Advanced Seminar in Biosystems Engineering00000
BIOE 7290Biosystems Engineering Seminar 100000
BIOE 7350Bioresource Engineering and Sustainability00000
BIOE 7370Engineering Properties of Fibres for Industrial Uses00000