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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CEE 190Project-Based Introduction to CEE00000
CEE 300Behavior of Materials00000
CEE 350Water Resources Engineering00000
CEE 406Pavement Design I00000
CEE 412High-Speed Rail Engineering00000
CEE 421Construction Planning00000
CEE 432Stream Ecology00000
CEE 438Science & Environmental Policy00000
CEE 445Air Quality Modeling00000
CEE 451Environmental Fluid Mechanics00000
CEE 460Steel Structures I00000
CEE 469Wood Structures00000
CEE 473Wind Effects on Structures00000
CEE 493Sustainable Design Eng Tech00000
CEE 502Advanced Cement Chemistry00000
CEE 507Repair of Civil Infrastructure00000
CEE 515Traffic Flow Theory00000
CEE 526Construction Optimization00000
CEE 537Water Quality Control Proc I00000
CEE 545Aerosol Sampling and Analysis00000
CEE 552River Basin Management00000
CEE 560Steel Structures III00000
CEE 573Structural Dynamics II00000
CEE 580Excavation and Support Systems00000
CEE 588Geotechnical Earthquake Engrg00000
CEE 597Independent Study00000
CEE 199Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
CEE 401Concrete Materials00000
CEE 410Railway Signaling & Control00000
CEE 418Public Transportation Systems00000
CEE 430Ecological Quality Engineering00000
CEE 437Water Quality Engineering00000
CEE 443Env Eng Principles, Chemical00000
CEE 447Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CEE 453Urban Hydrology and Hydraulics00000
CEE 463Reinforced Concrete II00000
CEE 546Air Quality Control00000
CEE 555Mixing in Environmental Flows00000
CEE 570Finite Element Methods00000
CEE 575Fracture and Fatigue00000
CEE 582Consolidation of Clays00000
CEE 589Computational Geomechanics00000
CEE 595Seminar00000
CEE 195About Civil Engineering00000
CEE 320Construction Engineering00000
CEE 360Structural Engineering00000
CEE 408Railroad Transportation Engrg00000
CEE 416Traffic Capacity Analysis00000
CEE 424Sustainable Const Methods00000
CEE 434Environmental Systems I00000
CEE 444Env Eng Principles, Biological00000
CEE 450Surface Hydrology00000
CEE 458Water Resources Field Methods00000
CEE 465Design of Structural Systems00000
CEE 470Structural Analysis00000
CEE 480Foundation Engineering00000
CEE 491Decision and Risk Analysis00000
CEE 498Special Topics00000
CEE 504Infrastructure NDE Methods00000
CEE 509Transportation Soils00000
CEE 525Construction Case Studies00000
CEE 535Environmental Systems II00000
CEE 550Hydroclimatology00000
CEE 554Hydrologic Variability00000
CEE 562Highway Bridge Design00000
CEE 574Probabilistic Loads and Design00000
CEE 581Dams, Embankments, and Slopes00000
CEE 587Applied Rock Mechanics00000
CEE 593Tunneling in Soil and Rock00000
CEE 201Systems Engrg & Economics00000
CEE 340Energy and Global Environment00000
CEE 405Asphalt Materials I00000
CEE 411RR Project Design & Constr00000
CEE 420Construction Productivity00000
CEE 433Water Technology and Policy00000
CEE 440Fate Cleanup Environ Pollutant00000
CEE 446Air Quality Engineering00000
CEE 452Hydraulic Analysis and Design00000
CEE 461Reinforced Concrete I00000
CEE 467Masonry Structures00000
CEE 471Structural Mechanics00000
CEE 483Soil Mechanics and Behavior00000
CEE 497Independent Study00000
CEE 506Pavement Design II00000
CEE 512Logistics Systems Analysis00000
CEE 524Construction Law00000
CEE 534Surface Water Quality Modeling00000
CEE 543Env Organic Chemistry00000
CEE 551Open-Channel Hydraulics00000
CEE 559Sediment Transport00000
CEE 572Earthquake Engineering00000
CEE 578Structural Design Optimization00000
CEE 586Rock Mechanics and Behavior00000
CEE 591Reliability Analysis00000
CEE 599Thesis Research00000
CEE 198Special Topics00000
CEE 310Transportation Engineering00000
CEE 380Geotechnical Engineering00000
CEE 407Airport Design00000
CEE 415Geometric Design of Roads00000
CEE 422Construction Cost Analysis00000
CEE 435Public Health Engineering00000
CEE 442Environmental Engineering Principles, Physical00000
CEE 449Environmental Engineering Lab00000
CEE 457Groundwater00000
CEE 462Steel Structures II00000
CEE 468Prestressed Concrete00000
CEE 472Structural Dynamics I00000
CEE 484Applied Soil Mechanics00000
CEE 501Constr Matls Characterization00000
CEE 508Pavement Evaluation and Rehab00000
CEE 517Traffic Signal Systems00000
CEE 528Construction Data Modeling00000
CEE 540Remediation Design00000
CEE 548Scientific Writing in CEE00000
CEE 553River Morphodynamics00000
CEE 561Reinforced Concrete III00000
CEE 577Computational Inelasticity00000
CEE 585Deep Foundations00000
CEE 592Sustainable Urban Systems00000
CEE 202Engineering Risk & Uncertainty00000
CEE 330Environmental Engineering00000
CEE 398Special Topics00000
CEE 409Railroad Track Engineering00000
CEE 417Urban Transportation Planning00000
CEE 495Professional Practice00000
CEE 503Constr Matls Deterioration00000
CEE 511Railway Terminal Design and Operations00000
CEE 527Constr Conflict Resolution00000
CEE 538Water Quality Control Proc II00000
CEE 544Advanced Surface Science00000
CEE 557Groundwater Modeling00000
CEE 571Computational Plates & Shells00000
CEE 576Nonlinear Finite Elements00000
CEE 583Shear Strength of Soils00000
CEE 590Geotechnical Field Measurement00000
CEE 598Special Topics00000
CEE 556Hydrocomplexity00000
CEE 490Computer Methods00000