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UHH Course Reviews

University of Hawaii at Hilo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 152World History since 150000000
JPNS 340Japanese Composition00000
CBES 682Natural Resource Env Econ00000
FIL 102Elementary Filipino II00000
ED 680Teacher as Researcher I00000
BIOL 410Biochemistry00000
HORT 303Intro Plant Tissue Culture00000
AQUA 352WI/Aquaculture of Fishes00000
ED 644Learning Environments II00000
ART 235Introduction to Papermaking00000
ENGR 250Alternative Energies00000
ENG 200FWI/Intro Lit Genres: Autobiogr00000
BIOL 243LHuman Anatomy & Physio I Lab00000
GEOL 370Field Methods00000
ANTH 445Ethnographic Field Tech00000
HIST 354Intro to Islamic History00000
CBES 601CBES Field & Laboratory Method00000
HWST 662Applied Hawaiian Chant00000
ANSC 194Horse & Cattle Handling Techni00000
KED 343Ma Ka Hana Ka `Ike I00000
ART 121FP Studio: Beg Drawing00000
ED 658Sec Content Literacy00000
ANSC 353WI/Horse Production00000
ELI 203Academic Reading Strategies 200000
ART 360WI/Renaissance and Baroque Art00000
ENG 430Pacific Islands Literature00000
ENG 257WI/Multicultural Literature00000
BIOL 101LGen Biol Lab00000
ESL 071Listening & Speaking, High Int00000
ANTH 370WI/Hist of Anth Theory00000
GEOL 112Hist of the Earth & Its Life00000
BIOL 281General Ecology00000
HAW 101Elementary Hawaiian I00000
AGRN 310Agronom Crop Prod Tropics00000
HIST 322The Bible and History00000
BIOL 490Senior Thesis Report00000
HIST 470US in the World 1865-200300000
ANTH 602Historic Preservation Laws00000
HWST 176Hist & Dev Of Hawn Music00000
CBES 663Fisheries Ecology00000
IS 481SHARP Research Seminar00000
AG 205Value Added Ag Products00000
JPNS 373Performance Across Cultures00000
ED 600Ed Of Ethnic Groups in Hawaii00000
KED 641Hawn & Indig Medium Fld Exp I00000
ANSC 342Beef Cattle Production00000
ED 654Tech Instruction & Assessment00000
ART 176Survey of World Art II00000
ED 662Prof Responsibility III00000
AG 304WI/Applied Microbiology00000
ELI 104Rhetorical Writing Styles 100000
ART 308Creative Digital Photography00000
ENG 200CWI/Intro to Lit Genres: Poetry00000
ANSC 450Physiology Reproduction00000
ENG 204WI/Intr Race/Gend Film Studies00000
ART 394Sp Top: WI/ Women in the Arts00000
ENG 370Adv Film St: Brit Romanc Novel00000
ENG 300WI/Intro to Literary Studies00000
ASTR 350Stellar Astrophysics00000
ENG 461Shakespeare00000
ANTH 331Lang in Culture & Society00000
ENTO 304General Entomology00000
BIOL 171Introductory Biology I00000
ESL 084Academic Writing, Advanced00000
AGEN 398Ag Waste Manage & Res Recycle00000
GEOG 490Senior Thesis00000
BIOL 275Fund Microbiology00000
GEOL 300Adv Environmental Earth Sci00000
ANTH 388Pots, Bottles, and Shipwrecks00000
GEOL 470Volcanology00000
BIOL 375LBiology of Microorganisms Lab00000
HAW 630Research Methods in Hawn Lang00000
AERS 355Domestic & International Nav00000
HIST 311Hist Japan II: Tokugawa to Mej00000
BIOL 461Immunology00000
HIST 333Twentieth Century Hawaii00000
ANTH 485Applied Anthropology00000
HIST 383WI/United States: 1930 198000000
BUS 240Business Law00000
HIST 497Ho'ona'auao00000
AJ 391Internship00000
HORT 451Plant Improvement00000
CBES 633Biodiversity00000
HWST 205IHawn Music in Action00000
ANTH 625Pacific Heritage Management00000
HWST 794Classical Hawaiian Ed00000
CBES 670Geog Info Sys & Visualization00000
JPNS 102Elementary Japanese II00000
ACC 400Senior Accounting Internship00000
JPNS 361WI/Feminism in Japan00000
CBES 697Extinction00000
JPNS 425WI/Translation Workshop00000
AQUA 425LWater Qual & Aquatic Prod Lab00000
ED 635Adv Instructional Strategies00000
ACC 202Intro to Managerial Accounting00000
AERS 220Elem Multi-Eng Operations00000
AGBU 110Microcomputing for Ag00000
ANTH 210Archaeology00000
ASTR 181Princ Of Astron II00000
ENG 324Modern English Grammar & Usage00000