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UH Manoa Course Reviews

University of Hawaii at Manoa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LTEC 112Technologies for Academic Success23121
ANTH 215LIntroduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory00000
ARCH 271World Architecture and Urbanism A00000
ARCH 788Doctorate Project II Extension00000
ANTH 660Paleoanthropology of Asia00000
AMST 690Research Seminar00000
ARCH 636Landscape Architectural Professional Practice00000
AMST 334Digital America: Online Communities and Virtual Worlds00000
AMST 401Filipino Americans: Research Topics00000
ANTH 328Food Origins, Food Culture00000
ANTH 379Archaeology Practicum00000
ANTH 485Pre-European Hawai‘i00000
AMST 619Slavery and the Modern Memory00000
ANTH 750DResearch Seminar: Ethnography00000
ACM 487Video Game Design and Development00000
ARCH 433Professional Practice Law and Ethics00000
ANSC 301LDomestic Animal Anatomy Laboratory00000
ARCH 715Asia-Pacific Architectural History and Theory00000
ACM 314Experimental Art and Animation00000
ART 217Screenprinting00000
AMST 349Contemporary American Design00000
ANTH 350Pacific Island Cultures00000
ACM 325Visual Effects00000
AMST 438Women and Globalization in Asia00000
ANTH 410Ethics in Anthropology00000
ANTH 428Anthropology of the Body00000
ANTH 477Spatial Analysis in Archaeology00000
AMST 484Senior Capstone Project00000
ANTH 605Discursive Practices00000
ACM 419Virtual and Augmented Reality Programming00000
ANTH 676Recording Historic and Cultural Resources00000
AMST 676Recording Historic and Cultural Resources00000
ARCH 101Design Fundamentals Studio I00000
ACC 690Current Topics in Accounting00000
ARCH 353Landscape Graphics Studio00000
ANAT 612Seminar in Anatomy Teaching00000
ARCH 628Preservation: Theory and Practice00000
AMST 220Introduction to Indigenous Studies00000
ARCH 682Building Well-Being: Health and the Built Environment00000
ANTH 151Emerging Humanity00000
ARCH 739Research Methods Seminar00000
ACC 460DAccounting Capstone: Auditing and Accounting Information Sys...00000
ART 123Introduction to Painting00000
ANTH 315Sex and Gender00000
ART 234Cold Glass Fabrication00000
ACM 316CIntermediate Animation: 2D Animation00000
ANTH 333Climate Change and Cultural Response: Past, Present and Futu...00000
AMST 360American Cinema00000
ANTH 370Ethnographic Field Techniques00000
ACC 603CPA Review-The Business Environment and Concepts00000
ANTH 382How Archaeology Works00000
AMST 423History of American Architecture00000
ANTH 419Indigenous Anthropology00000
ACM 355Oral Tradition to Screenplay00000
AMST 446Gender in Action Cinema00000
ANTH 443Anthropology of Buddhism00000
ANTH 447Polynesian Cultures00000
ANTH 465Science, Sex, and Reproduction00000
AMST 480Approaches to American Studies00000
ANTH 482Anthropology and the Environment: Culture, Power and Politic...00000
ACM 385Topics in Creative Media00000
ANTH 493Oral History: Theory and Practice00000
AMST 603Advanced Research and Professional Development00000
ANTH 620HTheory in Social and Cultural Anthropology: Ecology00000
ACC 638Estate and Gift Taxation and Planning00000
ANTH 669Household Archaeology00000
AMST 632Mass Media00000
ANTH 710Seminar in Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology00000
ACM 455Indigenous Filmmaking00000
ARAB 201Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic00000
AMST 685Museums and Education00000
ARCH 201Beginning Design Studio I00000
ACC 415Advanced Financial Accounting00000
ARCH 321Introduction to Environmental Systems B00000
ANAT 603Lower Extremity, Thorax, and Abdomen00000
ARCH 381Landform and Water00000
AMST 201American Experience: Institutions and Movements00000
ARCH 483Urban Ecological Analysis and Design00000
ANSC 244Comparative Nutrition00000
ARCH 631Design Communication for Landscape Architects00000
ACC 705Research in Auditing00000
ARCH 658Environmental Landscape Technologies and Systems00000
ANSC 657Grant Writing for Graduate Students00000
ARCH 692Special Topics in Architectural Technology00000
AMST 319America, Hawai‘i and World War II00000
ARCH 725Architecture Systems IV: Environmental Technology, Sustainab...00000
ANTH 175LPolynesian Surf Culture Field Lab00000
ARCH 763Advanced Project Design Studio: Comprehensive00000
ACC 323Intermediate Financial Accounting II00000
ART 107BIntroduction to Photography: Black & White Darkroom00000
ANTH 231Anthropology of Love00000
ART 202Introduction to Digital Imaging00000
AMST 345Religion and Conflict in American History00000
ANTH 458Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 325Origins of Cities00000
ACC 201Introduction to Accounting II00000
ACC 407Taxation of Business Entities00000
ACC 620Global Accounting00000
ACM 374Post Production Sound00000
AMST 459Sports in America00000