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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
STAT 2360Program and Data Lit Using R00000
STAT 4100Appl Stoch Proc00000
STAT 4240Sampling Methods00000
STAT 4290Nonparametric Methods00000
STAT 4380Survival Analysis00000
STAT 4950Ug Dir Study Stat00000
STAT 5020Statistical Capstone Course II00000
STAT 6220Intro to Statistical Method II00000
STAT 6270Network Data Graphical Models00000
STAT 6360Statistical Software Program00000
STAT 6430Design of Expts00000
STAT 6810Probability Dist00000
STAT 7000Master's Research00000
STAT 8001Adv Statistical Collaboration00000
STAT 8170Probability I00000
STAT 8250Multivar Methods00000
STAT 8330Adv Stat App and Comp00000
STAT 8620Cat Data and Glms00000
STAT 9000Doctoral Research00000
STAT 2100HIntro to Stat and Comput Hon00000
STAT 3120Intro to Prob for Life Science00000
STAT 4220Applied Experimental Designs00000
STAT 4280Applied Time Series Analysis00000
STAT 4355Adv Statistical Programming00000
STAT 4520Math Statistics II00000
STAT 5010WStatistical Capstone Course I00000
STAT 6100Appl Stoch Proc00000
STAT 6260Quality Assurance00000
STAT 6350Applied Bayesian Statistics00000
STAT 6420Applied Linear Models00000
STAT 6800Tools for Statistical Theory00000
STAT 7300Master's Thesis00000
STAT 8050Intermed Math Stat00000
STAT 8200Exper Designs00000
STAT 8261Supplemental Theory Linear Mod00000
STAT 8460Adv Comp Bio and Bioinformatic00000
STAT 8900Topics in Stat00000
STAT 9300Doctoral Dissertation00000
STAT 2000Introductory Statistics00000
STAT 4070Statistics for Secondary Teach00000
STAT 4230Applied Regression Analysis00000
STAT 4270Network Data Graphical Models00000
STAT 4365Modern Statistical Programming00000
STAT 4660Intro Quantitative Biology00000
STAT 5700Stat Internship00000
STAT 6230Applied Regression Analysis00000
STAT 6280Applied Time Series Analysis00000
STAT 6355Adv Statistical Programming00000
STAT 6510Math Statistics I00000
STAT 6820Statistical Infer00000
STAT 7770Teaching in Stat00000
STAT 8070Statistical Computing II00000
STAT 8230Appl Nonlinear Reg00000
STAT 8350Bayesian Stat Method with App00000
STAT 8700Stochast Processes00000
STAT 2010Stat Methods Data Scientists00000
STAT 2360LProgram Data Lit Using R Lab00000
STAT 4110HHonors Appl Stat00000
STAT 4250Applied Multivariate Analysis00000
STAT 4350Applied Bayesian Statistics00000
STAT 4510Math Statistics I00000
STAT 5010Statistical Capstone Course I00000
STAT 6070Statistics for Secondary Teach00000
STAT 6240Sampling Methods00000
STAT 6290Nonparametric Methods00000
STAT 6365Modern Statistical Programming00000
STAT 6520Math Statistics II00000
STAT 6821Supplemental Stat Inference00000
STAT 8000Intro Stat Collaboration00000
STAT 8090Statist Genetics00000
STAT 8260Theory of Linear Models00000
STAT 8440Stat Inference Bioinformatics00000
STAT 8630Long Data Analysis00000
STAT 8920Stat Research and Prof Pract I00000
STAT 3110Intro to Stat for Life Science00000
STAT 4210Statistical Methods00000
STAT 4260Quality Assurance00000
STAT 4360Statistical Software Program00000
STAT 4620Cat Data Analysis00000
STAT 5020WStatistical Capstone Course II00000
STAT 6210Intro to Statistical Methods I00000
STAT 6250Applied Multivariate Analysis00000
STAT 6315Statistical Methods Researcher00000
STAT 6380Survival Analysis00000
STAT 6620Cat Data Analysis00000
STAT 6811Supplemental Prob Distribution00000
STAT 7700Stat Internship00000
STAT 8060Statistical Computing I00000
STAT 8210Multivariate Theory and Method00000
STAT 8270Spatial Statistics00000
STAT 8530Adv Stat Infer I00000
STAT 8910Stat Seminar00000
STAT 4530Statistical Inference for Data Scientists00000
STAT 4990Data Science Capstone Course00000
STAT 6530Statistical Inference for Data Scientists00000