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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 1060Mat Decision Making00000
MATH 1113EPrecalculus00000
MATH 2110Calculus For Economics00000
MATH 4150Complex Variables00000
MATH 4400Number Theory00000
MATH 4600Probability00000
MATH 4720Intro to PDEs00000
MATH 4780Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
MATH 5020Arithmetic for MG Teachers00000
MATH 6010Mod Alg and Geom II00000
MATH 6150Complex Variables00000
MATH 6450Comp Number Thy00000
MATH 6670Combinatorics00000
MATH 6700Qual Ordinary Differ Equations00000
MATH 6780Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 7000Master's Research00000
MATH 7005Graduate Student Seminar00000
MATH 7200Fndns Geometry I00000
MATH 8005Problems in Algebra00000
MATH 8080Lie Algebras00000
MATH 8150Complex Variables I00000
MATH 8190Lie Groups00000
MATH 8210Top of Manifolds00000
MATH 8260Diff Geometry II00000
MATH 8315Sheaves Cohomology00000
MATH 8400Alg/an Number Th I00000
MATH 8440Comb/anly Number Th00000
MATH 8510Adv Num Analy II00000
MATH 8630Stochastic Analysis00000
MATH 8850Collab Research00000
MATH 8920Seminar in Topology00000
MATH 8980Seminar in Geometry00000
MATH 2003Arith Elem Teachers00000
MATH 2250Calculus I for Sci and Eng00000
MATH 2270HCalc III Sci and Math Honors00000
MATH 2700Elem Differential Equations00000
MATH 3100HSequences And Series Honors00000
MATH 3300Applied Linear Algebra00000
MATH 3510Multivariable Mathematics II00000
MATH 3510HMultivariable Mathematics II H00000
MATH 4100Real Analysis00000
MATH 4250Differential Geometry00000
MATH 4500Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 4690Graph Theory00000
MATH 4760Math and Music00000
MATH 4850History of Math00000
MATH 4960HDirected Readings00000
MATH 5200Fndns Geometry I00000
MATH 6100Real Analysis00000
MATH 6250Differential Geometry00000
MATH 6510Numer Analysis II00000
MATH 6720Intro to PDEs00000
MATH 6760Math and Music00000
MATH 6900Topics in Math00000
MATH 7020Arithmetic for MG Teachers00000
MATH 7300Master's Thesis00000
MATH 8020Commutative Algebra00000
MATH 8100Real Analysis I00000
MATH 8155Problems in Complex00000
MATH 8200Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 8230Topics in Top and Geo00000
MATH 8310Geometry of Schemes00000
MATH 8330Topics Alg Geometry00000
MATH 8430Arithmetic Geometry00000
MATH 8550Topics in Num Analy00000
MATH 8710Ap Math Var/perturb00000
MATH 8770Partial Diff Eqns00000
MATH 8940Seminar in Num Th00000
MATH 9000Doctoral Research00000
MATH 1101Intro to Mathematical Modeling00000
MATH 2002Num Alg Elem Teach00000
MATH 2250ECalculus I for Sci and Eng00000
MATH 2270Calc III Science and Math00000
MATH 2500Calculus III for Engineering00000
MATH 3000Introduction to Linear Algebra00000
MATH 3200Intro to Higher Mathematics00000
MATH 3500Multivariable Mathematics I00000
MATH 4010Mod Alg and Geom II00000
MATH 4110Lebesgue Integral00000
MATH 4510Numer Analysis II00000
MATH 4700Qual Ordinary Differ Equations00000
MATH 4790Mathematics of Option Pricing00000
MATH 4900Topics in Math00000
MATH 5035Algebra for MG Teachers00000
MATH 6050Adv Lin Alg00000
MATH 6200Point Set Topology00000
MATH 6500Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 6690Graph Theory00000
MATH 6750Matrix And Integral Transforms00000
MATH 6850History of Math00000
MATH 7003Alg and Prob Solv00000
MATH 7100Technical Report00000
MATH 8000Algebra I00000
MATH 8040Reps of Fin Groups00000
MATH 8110Real Analysis II00000
MATH 8900Seminar in Algebra00000
MATH 8930Seminar in Alg Geom00000
MATH 9300Doctoral Dissertation00000
MATH 1113Precalculus00000
MATH 2001Geom Elem Teachers00000
MATH 2200Analy Geo and Calc00000
MATH 2260Calc II for Science and Engr00000
MATH 2310HIntegral Calculus Honors00000
MATH 2610Discrete Math00000
MATH 3100Sequences and Series00000
MATH 3220Advanced Problem Solving00000
MATH 3500HMultivariable Mathematic I Hon00000
MATH 4000Modern Algebra and Geometry I00000
MATH 4050Adv Lin Alg00000
MATH 4200Point Set Topology00000
MATH 4450Comp Number Thy00000
MATH 4670Combinatorics00000
MATH 4730Mathematics of Climate00000
MATH 4750Matrix And Integral Transforms00000
MATH 4950Research Math00000
MATH 5001Arithmetic and Problem Solving00000
MATH 6000Modern Algebra and Geometry I00000
MATH 6110Lebesgue Integral00000
MATH 6400Number Theory00000
MATH 6600Probability00000
MATH 6730Mathematics of Climate00000
MATH 6790Mathematics of Option Pricing00000
MATH 7001Arithmetic and Problem Solving00000
MATH 7035Algebra for MG Teachers00000
MATH 7900Found Grad Math00000
MATH 8030Topics in Algebra00000
MATH 8105Problems in Real00000
MATH 8170Functional Analysis I00000
MATH 8205Problems in Topolog00000
MATH 8250Diff Geometry I00000
MATH 8300Intro to Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 8320Algebraic Curves00000
MATH 8410Alg/an Number Th II00000
MATH 8500Advanced Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 8600Probability00000
MATH 8800Dir Read And/or Pro00000
MATH 8910Seminar in Analysis00000
MATH 8970Seminar in Ap Math00000
MATH 9005Doctoral Graduate Student Sem00000
MATH 4740Optimization and Data Analysis00000
MATH 6740Optimization and Data Analysis00000