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UConn Stamford Course Reviews

University of Connecticut - Stamford

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MKTG 4891Professional Practice in Marketing00000
POLS 3662Latino Political Behavior00000
FNCE 4305Global Financial Management00000
LLAS 1190Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean00000
HDFS 2300Family Interaction Processes00000
ENGL 2214WAfrican American Literature00000
OPIM 5512Data Science using Python00000
DMD 1101Design Lab I00000
FNCE 5353Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)00000
DMD 3250Visual Effects00000
HIST 3421History of Modern England00000
HDFS 3249Gender And Aging00000
EDLR 5410Talent Management: Professional Learning00000
MGMT 3236Managerial Negotiations00000
CSE 2500Introduction to Discrete Systems00000
OPIM 3103Business Information Systems00000
ENGL 3611Women's Literature 1900 to the Present00000
POLS 1602Introduction to American Politics00000
BUSN 1801Contemporary Issues in the World of Business00000
ANTH 1500Great Discoveries in Archaeology00000
DMD 2710Social Media Business Applications00000
FREN 1103Intermediate French I00000
CHEM 2445Organic Chemistry Laboratory00000
HDFS 3122Integrated Curriculum Methods and Materials for Infants and...00000
DMD 4015Degree Exhibition00000
HIST 2401Europe in the Nineteenth Century00000
HDFS 3421Low Income Families00000
ECON 2311Empirical Methods in Economics I00000
HIST 3705The Modern Middle East from 1700 to the Present00000
COMM 3530Public Relations00000
MATH 2110QMultivariable Calculus00000
ENGL 1101Classical and Medieval Western Literature00000
MGMT 5894Seminar00000
BADM 4882Practicum in Professional Sales00000
NURS 4299Independent Study00000
ENGL 3013WMedia Publishing00000
OPIM 5185Introduction to Data Analytics and Managing Information Syst...00000
CSE 4502Big Data Analytics00000
PHIL 1103Philosophical Classics00000
EVST 1000EIntroduction to Environmental Studies00000
POLS 3414National and International Security00000
ART 3999Independent Study00000
ACCT 3201Intermediate Accounting I00000
FNCE 5312Financial Institutions - A Risk Management Approach00000
ART 2310Basic Studio, Painting00000
CHEM 1122Chemical Principles and Applications00000
FNCE 5894Seminar00000
DMD 3040Student Agency00000
GSCI 1050Earth's Dynamic Environment00000
BADM 2710Principles of Managerial Accounting00000
HDFS 3102Early and Middle Childhood Development00000
DMD 3720Digital Media Analytics00000
HDFS 3180Programs for Young Children: Introductory Laboratory00000
CHIN 1122Modern Chinese Culture00000
HDFS 3310Parent Child Relations in Cross Cultural Perspective (ANTH 3...00000
DMD 4081Digital Media Internship00000
HIST 1502U.S. History Since 187700000
HDFS 4099Independent Study for Undergraduates00000
ECON 2102WEconomic History of the United States00000
HIST 3201The History of Human Rights00000
COMM 3100Persuasion00000
HIST 3560Constructions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in U.S. History00000
EDLR 5304Curriculum Laboratory00000
JOUR 1002The Press in America00000
BADM 3720The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business00000
MATH 1060QPrecalculus00000
EGEN 3200Peer Mentoring and Leadership00000
MATH 3160Probability00000
COMM 4999Independent Study00000
MGMT 5615Leadership00000
ENGL 1701Creative Writing I00000
MKTG 3625Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age00000
ART 1010Foundation: Studio Concepts00000
MKTG 5625Marketing for Global Competitiveness00000
ENGL 2411Popular Literature00000
NURS 5030Nursing Research for Evidence Based Practice00000
CSE 3500Algorithms and Complexity00000
OPIM 4899Independent Study00000
ENGL 3318Literature and Culture of the Third World00000
OPIM 5505Analytical Consulting for Financial Services00000
BIOL 1102Foundations of Biology00000
OPIM 5671Data Mining and Business Intelligence00000
ENGL 4897Honors VIII: Honors Thesis00000
PHYS 1040QECosmic Origins of Life00000
DMD 1002Foundations in Digital Media and Design Ii00000
POLS 3202Comparative Political Parties and Electoral Systems00000
FNCE 3303Principles of Investments and Derivatives00000
POLS 3608The Art, Science, and Business of Political Campaigns00000
AFRA 3564African American History Since 186500000
PSYC 1101General Psychology II00000
FNCE 5101Financial Management00000
AFRA 3042Baseball and Society: Politics, Economics, Race and Gender00000
DMD 2200Motion Design and Animation I00000
FNCE 5332Financial Risk Management II - Fixed Income Markets00000
ACCT 3202Intermediate Accounting II00000
ANTH 1006Introduction to Anthropology00000
BADM 3370Global Marketing Strategy00000
COMM 1300Mass Communication Systems00000
ECE 2000Electrical and Computer Engineering Principles00000
HIST 1203Women in History00000