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UC Davis Course Reviews

University of California, Davis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
FST 110Food Processing00000
FST 199Special Study00000
FST 217Adv Food Sensory Science00000
FST 228Sustainable Food Systems00000
FST 291Advanced Seminar00000
FST 396Teaching Asst Train Prac00000
FST 003VIntro to Brewing & Beer00000
FST 050Food Preservation00000
FST 100AFood Chemistry00000
FST 100BFood Properties00000
FST 102AMalting & Brewing Sci00000
FST 104LFood Micro Lab00000
FST 106Food Chem Clin Nutr00000
FST 190Senior Seminar00000
FST 115Fermented Foods00000
FST 123Intro Enzymology00000
FST 127Sensory Eval of Foods00000
FST 159New Food Product Ideas00000
FST 192Internship00000
FST 201Food Chem & Biochem00000
FST 211Lipids: Chem & Nutrition00000
FST 219Cheese Biochem & Tech00000
FST 230Food & Gut Microbiota00000
FST 290Seminar00000
FST 299Research00000
FST 227Food Percep & Chem Sense00000
FST 055Food in American Culture00000
FST 100CFood Physical Chemistry00000
FST 101BFood Properties Lab00000
FST 103Food Analysis00000
FST 104Food Microbiology00000
FST 110LFood Processing Lab00000
FST 117Dsgn & Anlys Sensory Sci00000
FST 123LEnzymology Lab00000
FST 160Food Product Development00000
FST 198Directed Gp Study00000
FST 203Food Processing00000
FST 204Adv Food Micro00000
FST 003Intro to Brewing & Beer00000
FST 290CAdv Research Conf00000
FST 298Group Study00000
FST 001Principles Food Science00000
FST 010Food, Folklore, & Health00000
FST 099Special Study00000
FST 101AFood Chem Lab00000
FST 102BPractical Malt & Brewing00000
FST 109Prin Of Qual Assurance00000
FST 114Fermented Foods00000
FST 119Chem & Tech of Dairy00000
FST 128Food Toxicology00000