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UC Davis Course Reviews

University of California, Davis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ETX 101Principles Environ Tox54541
ETX 020Intro Forensic Science00000
ETX 092Internship00000
ETX 102BQuant Analys Env Tox00000
ETX 103ABio Effects of Toxicants00000
ETX 110Toxic Tragedies & Impact00000
ETX 111Intro to Mass Spec00000
ETX 128Food Toxicology00000
ETX 135Toxic Risk Assessment00000
ETX 146Exposure Assessment00000
ETX 190CRes Group Conf00000
ETX 194HCHonors Research00000
ETX 194HBHonors Research00000
ETX 198Directed Gp Study00000
ETX 203Environ Toxicants00000
ETX 220Analysis of Toxicants00000
ETX 234Neurotoxicology00000
ETX 260Immunotoxicology00000
ETX 280Forensic DNA Analysis00000
ETX 281Forensic DNA Lab00000
ETX 290CAdv Research Conf00000
ETX 298Directed Gp Study00000
ETX 396Teaching Asst Train Prac00000
ETX 010Intro Environ Toxicology00000
ETX 030Chemical Use and Abuse00000
ETX 099Special Study00000
ETX 102AEnv Fate of Toxicants00000
ETX 103BBio Effects of Tox Exp00000
ETX 104Cell Reg/Nutrient Metab00000
ETX 120Aquatic Toxicology00000
ETX 131Env Tox Air Pollutants00000
ETX 138Legal Aspects Env Tox00000
ETX 150Applied Evolution00000
ETX 190Seminar00000
ETX 192Internship00000
ETX 194HAHonors Research00000
ETX 197TTutor Environ Tox00000
ETX 199Special Study00000
ETX 214Mech Toxic Action00000
ETX 220LToxicant Analys Lab00000
ETX 240Ecotoxicology00000
ETX 278Molecular Techniques00000
ETX 290Seminar00000
ETX 297TTutor Environ Tox00000
ETX 299Research00000