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UAlbany Course Reviews

State University of New York at Albany - SUNY

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
RPOS 367Politics-Middle East23121
AHIS 286African Civilizations45331
AHIS 100Amr Poltcl and Social His I43531
TEAS 190Confucianism and Samurai Ethic54541
AANT 108Cultural Anthropology45441
APSY 214Intro Biopsy & Behavrl Neurosc23111
ABIO 175Forensic Science Investigation45431
AHIS 244Zion/Palest/Isra-His Perspec55551
AHIS 292Trials United States History22431
AHIS 158The World since 190055441
ABIO 130Gen Bio: Molecular & Cell Bio00000
AATM 622Gen Circulation of the Atmosph00000
AARH 383His-Prac Video Art I00000
AANT 483Senior Honors Thesis00000
ABIO 305Developmental Biology Lab00000
AARH 576Women in Art New Woman to Now00000
ABIO 389ZWriting In Biology00000
ABIO 477Forensic Science00000
AART 244Contemporary Darkroom Practice00000
ABIO 553Ecolgy and Evoltn of Infec Dis00000
ABIO 697Graduate Research00000
AANT 189ZWriting in Anthropology00000
AANT 542Advanced Phonology00000
AART 405Advanced Drawing00000
ACHM 124General Chemistry Laboratory I00000
ACHM 342Introduction to Biochemistry00000
AATM 500Atmospheric Dynamics00000
AARH 302Villanv, Etruscn and Erly Rome00000
AATM 898Research in Atmospheric Sci II00000
AANT 416Topics in Human Biology00000
ABIO 217Cell Biology00000
AARH 490Internship in Art History00000
ABIO 329Genetics-Human Disease00000
AAFS 694Indep Study & Research AAS00000
ABIO 411ZHuman Physiology Lab00000
AART 144Photography and Related Media00000
ABIO 515ARespns Conduc & Skills in Rsrc00000
AANT 519Topics Biological Anthropology00000
ABIO 621Coastal Zone Management00000
AART 340Intermediate Etching00000
ACAS 601Seminar in College Teaching00000
AAFS 370Psychology Black Experience00000
ACHM 223Organic Chemistry Laborator II00000
AART 491Senior Studio00000
AANT 211Human Population Biology00000
ACHM 417Advanced Synthesis Laboratory00000
AANT 624Seminar in Linguistics00000
AART 505AAdv Drawing and Related Media00000
AART 530BPainting III00000
AANT 791Directed Reading00000
AART 531BProjects In Painting00000
AART 545BProjects In Graphics00000
AAFS 490Senior Seminar AFS Majors00000
AANT 240Native Peoples North America00000
AARA 101Elementary Arabic I00000
AART 605ADrawing and Composition00000
AART 620BGraduate Sculpture00000
AATM 497Independent Study II00000
AARH 267International Film Movements00000
AATM 529Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction00000
AANT 363Ethnology of Religion00000
AATM 641Mesoscale Processes00000
AARH 343Northern Euro. Art: 1350-160000000
AAFS 551Jazz, Identity & Human Spirit00000
AARH 205Myths Greek/Roman West Art00000
AART 631AAdv Projects in Painting00000
ABIO 205Human Genetics00000
AARH 467Art Criticism Post-Mod Period00000
ABIO 302ZCell Biology Laboratory00000
AANT 431Seminar Social Archaeology00000
ABIO 326Enviromental Microbiology Lab00000
AARH 497Independent Study Art History00000
ABIO 341Neurobiology00000
AAFS 322Developing African Nations00000
ABIO 399Supervised Research Juniors00000
AART 105Beginning Drawing00000
ABIO 426Lab in Molecular Biology00000
AANT 498Independent Study Anthropology00000
ABIO 499Supervised Research Seniors00000
AART 230Beginning Painting00000
ABIO 519Human Pop Genetics00000
ABIO 578Instrumntl and Biochem Anlysis00000
AART 310Studio Experim Visual Thinking00000
ABIO 633Ecology and Evol Biology Sem00000
AANT 531Sem in Social Archaeology00000
ABIO 898Doctoral Research00000
AART 350Intermediate Digital Imaging00000
ACHM 120General Chemistry I00000
AAFS 213History Civil Rights Movement00000
ACHM 220Organic Chemistry I00000
AART 435Topics in Painting00000
ACHM 250Intro to Forensic Chemistry00000
AANT 600Quantitative Meth Anthropology00000
AART 640BGraphics00000
AANT 316Human Anatomy Physiology I00000
AARH 221American Art I00000
AATM 209Weather Workshop00000
AATM 297Independent Study Atmos Sci00000
AARH 225Modern Jewish Experience Films00000
AATM 306Climate Variability and Change00000