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UAA Course Reviews

University of Alaska Anchorage

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AKNS A346Alaska Native Politics00000
AKNS A356Yup'ik Music and Dance Ensemble00000
AKNS A432Indigenous Well-Being and Education00000
AKNS A101CElementary Unangam Tunuu I00000
AKNS A492Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders00000
AKNS A102EElementary Alutiiq Language II00000
AKNS A182Grant Writing for Alaska Native Communities00000
AKNS A215Music of Alaska Natives and Indigenous Peoples of Northern R...00000
AKNS A101AElementary Central Yup'ik Language I00000
AKNS A490ANCSA & Global Climate Change00000
AKNS A261Alaska Native Art History00000
AKNS A313Tribes, Nations and Peoples00000
AKNS A482Indigenous Knowledge(s) and the Sciences in Global Contexts00000
AKNS A102AElementary Central Yup'ik Language II00000
AKNS A292AAlaska Native Language Apprenticeship00000
AKNS A102BElementary Tlingit Language II00000
AKNS A230Oral Traditions of Alaska Native People00000
AKNS A109CDena'ina Orthography00000
AKNS A109BTlingit Orthography00000
AKNS A201Alaska Native Perspectives00000
AKNS A292BYup'ik Conversational Fluency Intensive00000
AKNS A102FElementary Dena'ina Language II00000
AKNS A102CElementary Dena'ina Language II00000
AKNS A216World Indigenous Music00000
AKNS A109ACentral Yup'ik Orthography00000
AKNS A290Alaska Native Ecological Knowledge: Contemporary Application...00000
AKNS A495Alaska Native Studies Internship00000
AKNS A101BElementary Tlingit Language I00000
AKNS A102HElementary Ahtna Language II00000
AKNS A461Decolonizing Methodologies00000
AKNS A240Alaska Native Cultural Orientation Alutiiq/Sugpiaq00000
AKNS A109DAlutiiq Orthography00000
AKNS A101HElementary Ahtna Language I00000
AKNS A218AAlaska Native Drummaking Techniques: Athabascan and Southeas...00000
AKNS A101DElementary Inupiaq Language I00000
AKNS A102DElementary Inupiaq Language II00000
AKNS A101EElementary Alutiiq Language I00000
AKNS A101FElementary Dena'ina Language I00000
AKNS A190Native Early Transition/Cultural Identity Project00000