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U of S Course Reviews

University of Saskatchewan

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARCH 258Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia00000
ARCH 330The Archaeology of Human Environmental Impact00000
ARCH 360Archaeological Resource Management00000
ARCH 462Contemporary Archaeological Theory00000
ARCH 853Graduate Seminar in Plains ArchaeologyDepartmental Approval...00000
ARCH 251Introduction to Archaeological Interpretation00000
ARCH 298Archaeology of North America00000
ARCH 354The Archaeology of Culture Contact00000
ARCH 458Zooarchaeology00000
ARCH 475Bioarchaeology00000
ARCH 862Environmental Archaeology00000
ARCH 994Research00000
ARCH 250Introduction to Archaeological Science00000
ARCH 270Human Evolution00000
ARCH 353Plains Archaeology00000
ARCH 385Computer Applications in Archaeology00000
ARCH 471Forensic Anthropology00000
ARCH 855Problems in Archaeology: Advanced Zooarchaeology II00000
ARCH 244Archaeology and Cultural Development Ancient Israel and Syri...00000
ARCH 259Archaeology of North America00000
ARCH 350Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology00000
ARCH 398Special Topics: Archaeology of Siberia00000
ARCH 472Palaeopathology00000
ARCH 861Boreal Forest ArchaeologyDepartmental Approval Required00000
ARCH 116Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology00000
ARCH 252Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work00000
ARCH 300Archaeology Research Course: Fur-Trade Era Ceramic Analysis00000
ARCH 356Development of Complex Cultures in Eastern Mediterranean and...00000
ARCH 470Human Osteology00000
ARCH 805Core Seminar in Archaeological Method and Theory00000
ARCH 990Seminar00000
ARCH 112The Human Journey Introduction to Archaeology and Biological...00000
ARCH 257Archaeology of Ancient Egypt00000
ARCH 301Environmental Archaeology of the American Southwest00000
ARCH 359Archaeology of the Northwest Coast and Plateau00000
ARCH 459Geoarchaeology00000
ARCH 498Archaeology of Food00000
ARCH 898Advance Forensic Anthropology00000
ARCH 996Research00000