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U of S Course Reviews

University of Saskatchewan

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
POLS 112Justice and Injustice in Politics and Law44.5432
IS 110Global Issues33211
POLS 237Modern Political Theory43431
ANTH 111One World Many Peoples Introduction to Cultural Anthropology43331
COMM 213Management Information Systems12111
CMPT 214Programming Principles and Practice32231
CMPT 141Introduction to Computer Science54551
ARCH 862Environmental Archaeology00000
ANTH 498Anthropology of Development00000
AREC 330Land Resource Economics00000
AREC 432Rural Development Theory and Applications00000
ARCH 472Palaeopathology00000
ANTH 354Ritual Spaces in Ukrainian Culture00000
AREC 238Natural Resource Economics00000
ANTH 227Cultures of Central and Eastern Europe00000
AREC 356The Economics of International Agribusiness00000
ANTH 994Research00000
ANSC 990Seminar00000
AREC 459The Economics of Agricultural Innovation00000
ANTH 236Ethnicity in Action Ukrainian Canadian Experience00000
APMC 994Research00000
AREC 840Economics of Agri-Food Marketing00000
AREC 996Research00000
ANTH 244Political Ecology Anthropology and Global Environmental Issu...00000
ARBC 117Beginning Arabic II00000
ARCH 250Introduction to Archaeological Science00000
ARCH 459Geoarchaeology00000
ANTH 330Oral History and Storytelling Anthropological Perspectives00000
ARCH 853Graduate Seminar in Plains ArchaeologyDepartmental Approval...00000
ANTH 224North American Plains Ethnography00000
ARCH 996Research00000
ANTH 403Anthropology of Healing00000
AREC 298History of Aboriginal Agriculture in Canada00000
ANSC 870Applied Animal Biotechnology00000
AREC 346Principles of Selling00000
ANTH 806Environmental Anthropology00000
AREC 428Case Studies in Agribusiness Management00000
ANTH 231Cross Cultural Perspectives on Health and Illness00000
AREC 445Competition Regulation and Antitrust Theory and Applications00000
APMC 898Advanced Quality Assurance & HACCP00000
AREC 820Applied Microeconomic Theory00000
ANSC 816Biotechnology and the Rumen Ecosystem00000
AREC 890Research Procedures in Agricultural Economics00000
APPY 994Research00000
ART 111Painting I Foundation00000
ANSC 994Research00000
ARCH 116Introduction to Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology00000
ANTH 298Special Topics: Dene Language00000
ANSC 818Advanced Monogastric Nutrition00000
ARCH 252Near Eastern Archaeological Field Work00000
ANSC 996Research00000
ANTH 302The Practice of Ethnography00000
ARCH 258Archaeology of Ancient Mesopotamia00000
ARCH 270Human Evolution00000
ANTH 310Anthropology of Gender00000
ARCH 298Archaeology of North America00000
ARCH 301Environmental Archaeology of the American Southwest00000
ANTH 311Birth, Sex, and Death: Anthropological Perspectives00000
ARCH 350Introduction to Boreal Forest Archaeology00000
ARCH 398Special Topics: Archaeology of Siberia00000
ANTH 329Environmental Anthropology00000
ARCH 470Human Osteology00000
ANTH 211Cultural Competency in Community Health and Violence Interve...00000
ARCH 498Archaeology of Food00000
ANTH 332Anthropology of Contagion and Infectious Disease Critical Ge...00000
ARCH 855Problems in Archaeology: Advanced Zooarchaeology II00000
ANSC 863Advanced Ruminant Nutritional Management00000
ARCH 990Seminar00000
ANTH 400Contemporary Issues in Archaeology and Anthropology00000
AREC 222Introduction to Farm Business Management00000
ANTH 226Business and Industrial Anthropology00000
AREC 254Agribusiness Taxation00000
ANTH 422Anthropology in Context: Contemporary Influences00000
AREC 320Introduction to Farm Business Management00000
ANSC 815Advanced Ruminant Nutrition and Metabolism00000
AREC 343Grain and Livestock Marketing00000
ANTH 802Community-Based Research Ethnography and Engagement00000
AREC 347Agribusiness Marketing Management00000
ANTH 230Cultural Dynamics00000
AREC 398Food Economics and Consumer Behaviour00000
ANTH 990Seminar00000
AREC 430Advanced Natural Resource Economics00000
ANSC 898Nutritional Toxicology00000
AREC 440Agricultural Marketing Systems00000
APEC 996Research00000
AREC 451Agricultural Problems and Policies00000
ANTH 235Anthropological Approaches to Ethnicity and Ethnic Groups00000
AREC 494Research and Technical Writing Honours Thesis00000
APMC 990Seminar00000
AREC 825Research Issues in Agribusiness Management00000
ANSC 810Nutrition of Grazing Ruminants00000
AREC 845Transportation Economics and Regulatory Policy00000
APPY 898Bone Microstructural Dynamics00000
AREC 990Seminar00000
ANTH 240Cultural Landscapes and Environments00000
ARCH 353Plains Archaeology00000
ANTH 321Myth Ritual and Symbol00000
ARCH 354The Archaeology of Culture Contact00000
ARCH 359Archaeology of the Northwest Coast and Plateau00000
APPY 996Research00000