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U of R Course Reviews

University of Regina

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 475CUCreative Writing: Writing Fantasy00000
ENGL 813CACW: Writing Fixed-Form Poetry00000
ENGL 314AACanadian Drama00000
ENGL 430AJStudies in the Nineteenth Centure: Crimes and Misdemeanours00000
ENGL 338AJBritish Writing Of World War II00000
ENGL 252Creative Writing I00000
ENGL 802AASpenser: The Faerie Queene00000
ENEV 886CUIndustrial Wastewater Treatment and Reuse00000
ENGL 331AFRepresentations of London in Restoration and Eighteenth-Cent...00000
ENGG 141Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics00000
ENGL 395ADQueer Theories: Gender, Sexuality and Ideology00000
ENGL 371AEThe Literary Gothic00000
ENGL 211Literature Survey I00000
ENGL 440AJMourning And Memorial In Canadian Literature00000
ENEV 886CTCold Region Hydraulics and Engineering00000
ENGL 485AWEkphrasis: Theory & Practice00000
ENGL 304AIWilliam Blake00000
ENGL 808AICanadian Literature: Atwood00000
ENEV 435Engineering Project Management00000
ENGL 820AYHistories of Childhood00000
ENEV 901Research00000
ENGL 336AQ19th Century: Religion & Literature00000
ENEV 463Water Resources Systems00000
ENGL 352ADCreative Writing II-Poetry00000
ENGG 600Engineering Co-op Placement Report00000
ENGL 387AEChildren's Literature00000
ENGL 384ACEnglish Literature & the Bible00000
ENGG 903Research Methodology In Engineering00000
ENGL 410ACPoststructuralism and Shakespeare00000
ENEV 863Air Quality Management00000
ENGL 440AKTestimony, Witness, and Indigenous Literatures00000
ENGL 221Poetry00000
ENGL 465ABWriting the Lyric Self00000
ENEV 408Basic Structural Design00000
ENGL 475APCW: Writing Genre00000
ENGL 302Shakespeare: Histories and Tragedies00000
ENGL 491Honours Essay II00000
ENEV 886DFUrban Transportation Networks00000
ENGL 806AHVictorian Literature: Liberalism and Social Justice Novel00000
ENGL 310AAContemp Cdn Aboriginal Fiction00000
ENGL 808AN"Wriggling through the universe as beams of light": Eden Rob...00000
ENEV 223Engineering, Environment, and Society00000
ENGL 815CQCW: Women's Memoir: Theory and Practice00000
ENGL 325ADKing Arthur and Medieval Myth00000
ENGL 820AZLiterature and the Anthropocene00000
ENEV 445Advanced Air Pollution Enginee00000
ENGL 336AOReading the Victorian Home00000
ENGG 100Engineering Graphics00000
ENGL 336AP19th C Political Imagination00000
ENEV 321Applied Environmental Science00000
ENGL 339ABLiterature and the Holocaust00000
ENGG 401Engineering Law and Professionalism00000
ENGL 368ACPrison Writing Exchange00000
ENEV 469Groundwater Development & Contaminant Transport00000
ENGL 377AAEighteenth-Century Comedy00000
ENGG 701Engineering Practice and experience in Canada00000
ENGL 387ABScience Fiction00000
ENGL 386ALHealth, Trauma, and Loss00000
ENGG 823Multiscale Modeling (MSM) of Materials Design00000
ENGL 387AODetective Fiction00000
ENEV 851Groundwater Modelling00000
ENGL 405ADMedieval Materialism00000
ENGL 110Critical Reading and Writing II00000
ENGL 415AFThe Body in 17th Century Literature00000
ENEV 372Transportation Systems00000
ENGL 430AHVictorian Literature: Liberalism & Social Justice Novel00000
ENGL 213Survey of Canadian Literature00000
ENGL 440AICanadian Literature: Atwood00000
ENEV 865Hazardous Waste Management and Site Remediation00000
ENGL 465AAWriting Fixed-Form Poetry00000
ENGL 223Drama00000
ENGL 475BAMourning and Memorial in North American Literature00000
ENEL 901Research00000
ENGL 475AQWomen's Memoir: Theory and Practice00000
ENGL 276Literature and Interdisciplinary Contexts00000
ENGL 485AXSensing Place In Great Plains Literature00000
ENEV 886Selected Topics In Civil Engg00000
ENGL 485CWCW: Ekphrasis: Theory & Practice00000
ENGL 304AHJames Joyce00000
ENGL 801ADMedieval Materialism00000
ENEV 421Environmental Design and Impact00000
ENGL 803AFThe Body in 17th Century Literature00000
ENGL 310ACResidential School Lit00000
ENGL 806AIInventing England: Myths Of Nationhood And Nationalism In Th...00000
ENEV 886BSGreywater Reclamation00000
ENGL 808ADCanadian Poetry Since 197000000
ENGL 310AECanadian First Nation Drama00000
ENGL 813AEWriting the Lyric Self00000
ENEL 890ANWireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols00000
ENGL 815AQWomen's Memoir: Theory and Practice00000
ENGL 318AGAmerican Romanticism: The Emergence Of American Letters00000
ENGL 817AHRhetoric of Apology in Canada00000
ENEV 886DEOptimization-Based Multicriteria Environmental Decision00000
ENGL 331AC18th C. Sexualities00000
EMTH 450Post-Internship Seminar in Secondary Mathematics00000
ENEL 895ANMultisource Information Fusion00000
ENEV 360Environmental Hydraulics00000
ENEV 484Highway Design00000
ENGG 815Modeling, Simulation and Computer-Aided Processes00000
ENGL 387AFHorror Fiction00000