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U of L Course Reviews

University of Lethbridge

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 1010Cellular Basis of Life00000
BIOL 2002Research Internship II: Scientific Data and Analysis00000
BIOL 2500Biology and Society00000
BIOL 3105Signal Transduction00000
BIOL 3115Principles of Cell Growth00000
BIOL 3420Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 3560Integrative Plant Biology00000
BIOL 3720Community Ecology00000
BIOL 4180Natural Products00000
BIOL 4440Toxicology00000
BIOL 4700Molecular Ecology00000
BIOL 4800Biology of Parasitism00000
BIOL 5105Signal Transduction00000
BIOL 5410Sustainable Agriculture00000
BIOL 5720Community Ecology00000
BIOL 7500Current Topics in Biological Sciences00000
BIOL 1020Diversity of Life00000
BIOL 2003Epidemiology/HLSC 200300000
BIOL 3000Gene Expression and Regulation00000
BIOL 3110Cell Signalling00000
BIOL 3310Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 3460Plant Physiology00000
BIOL 3605Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 3710Population Biology00000
BIOL 4100Advances in Biotechnology00000
BIOL 4210Environmental Genomics00000
BIOL 4500Seminars in Biological Sciences00000
BIOL 4710Evolutionary and Ecological Modelling00000
BIOL 4850Biogeochemistry00000
BIOL 5110Cell Signalling00000
BIOL 5460Plant Physiology00000
BIOL 5850Biogeochemistry00000
BIOL 7850Cannabis and Health00000
BIOL 0520Foundations of Biology00000
BIOL 2001Research Internship I: Scientific Discovery00000
BIOL 2200Principles of Ecology00000
BIOL 3001Research Internship III: Communicating Science00000
BIOL 3300Evolution00000
BIOL 3520Invertebrate Zoology00000
BIOL 3630Field Biology00000
BIOL 3850Community Ecology00000
BIOL 4155Cannabis and Health00000
BIOL 4570Plant Breeding and Genetics00000
BIOL 4840Limnology00000
BIOL 5155Cannabis and Health00000
BIOL 5500Current Topics in Biological Sciences00000
BIOL 6000Master's Thesis00000
BIOL 2000Principles of Genetics00000
BIOL 2150Biostatistics00000
BIOL 2300Cell Biology00000
BIOL 3005Genomes00000
BIOL 3210Experimental Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology00000
BIOL 3400Principles of Microbiology00000
BIOL 3530Vertebrate Zoology00000
BIOL 3700Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIOL 4130Medical Genomics00000
BIOL 4230Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer00000
BIOL 4605Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 4740Behavioural Ecology00000
BIOL 5100Advances in Biotechnology00000
BIOL 5210Environmental Genomics00000
BIOL 5700Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIOL 7155Cannabis and Health00000