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TXST Course Reviews

Texas State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
POSI 2320Funct Amer Govt33131
POSI 3301Basic Pol Instns00000
POSI 3307Party Politics00000
POSI 3310Con Law Strct & Pr00000
POSI 3314St & Loc Govt00000
POSI 3318Pub Person Ad00000
POSI 3328Public Finance Adm00000
POSI 3332Anc & Med Pol Tho00000
POSI 3336Civ-Mil Relations00000
POSI 4301Politics In Film00000
POSI 4313Islam Law & Pol00000
POSI 4326Issues World Po00000
POSI 4328The Holocaust00000
POSI 4331Minority Politics00000
POSI 4337EEthics In Am Gov00000
POSI 4338Gov & Pol Lat Amer00000
POSI 4349FDem In Dev Cntries00000
POSI 4354Pol Of Extremism00000
POSI 4357Internatl Org00000
POSI 4379Indep Study00000
POSI 4380Internship In Gov00000
POSI 4397Research In Pa00000
POSI 4399Senior Seminar00000
POSI 2310Prin Of Am Gov00000
POSI 3300Basic Pol Ideas00000
POSI 3305American Founding00000
POSI 3308Cngrss & Leg Proce00000
POSI 3311Con Law Ind Libert00000
POSI 3316Intro Public Admin00000
POSI 3322Intro To Intl Stu00000
POSI 3331Amer Pol Thought00000
POSI 3333Modern Pol Theory00000
POSI 3377Analytical Techns00000
POSI 4304Issu Law & Pub Plc00000
POSI 4322Pub Pol Form00000
POSI 4327Th Intrnatl Pol00000
POSI 4336Campaigns & Elect00000
POSI 4337CMedia & Publ Opin00000
POSI 4340Gov & Pol Of Euro00000
POSI 4349DOrg American Stats00000
POSI 4356Internatl Law00000
POSI 4361Admin Law00000
POSI 4367Intnatl Conf & Sec00000
POSI 4381Internship Pub Adm00000
POSI 4398Practicum In Posi00000
POSI 4680Internship00000