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TAMU Course Reviews

Texas A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 140Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences3.733.34.33
MATH 669Seminar Math Biology00000
MATH 619Applied Probability00000
MATH 102Algebra00000
MATH 142Business Calculus00000
MATH 148Calculus II for Biological Sciences00000
MATH 150Functions, Trigonometry and Linear Systems00000
MATH 152Engineering Mathematics II00000
MATH 167Explorations in Mathematics00000
MATH 171Calculus I00000
MATH 200Horizons of Mathematics00000
MATH 225Advanced Spreadsheet Techniques00000
MATH 253Engineering Mathematics III00000
MATH 285Directed Studies00000
MATH 291Research00000
MATH 302Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 308Differential Equations00000
MATH 311Topics in Applied Mathematics I00000
MATH 325The Mathematics of Interest00000
MATH 366Structure of Mathematics II00000
MATH 367Basic Concepts of Geometry00000
MATH 375Intermediate Real Analysis00000
MATH 396Communications in Mathematics00000
MATH 403Mathematics and Technology00000
MATH 409Advanced Calculus I00000
MATH 411Mathematical Probability00000
MATH 414Fourier Series and Wavelets00000
MATH 416Modern Algebra II00000
MATH 417Numerical Methods00000
MATH 420Application of Actuarial Science II00000
MATH 425The Mathematics of Contingent Claims00000
MATH 431Structures and Methods of Combinatorics00000
MATH 437Principles of Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 442Mathematical Modeling00000
MATH 447Principles of Analysis II00000
MATH 467Modern Geometry00000
MATH 469Introduction to Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 471Communications and Cryptography II00000
MATH 482Research Seminar00000
MATH 485Directed Studies00000
MATH 141Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 489Sptp:Probability&Computing00000
MATH 602Meth Appl Part Diff Eq00000
MATH 605Math Fluid Dynamics00000
MATH 609Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 612Part Diff Eq00000
MATH 615Intro Classical Analysis00000
MATH 620Algebraic Geometry I00000
MATH 626Analytic Number Theory00000
MATH 636Topology I00000
MATH 639Iterative Techniques00000
MATH 642Analy For Application II00000
MATH 645Survey Math Problems I00000
MATH 648Computational Alg Geom00000
MATH 653Algebra I00000
MATH 655Functional Analysis I00000
MATH 661Finite Element Methods00000
MATH 664Seminar Applied Math00000
MATH 672Hydrodynamic Stability00000
MATH 677Math Foundations Data Science00000
MATH 685Directed Studies00000
MATH 691Research00000
MATH 6315Stat Mthds In Rsrch I-Tamu-Cc00000
MATH 147Calculus I for Biological Sciences00000
MATH 151Engineering Mathematics I00000
MATH 161Engineering Mathematics II00000
MATH 168Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 170Freshman Mathematics Laboratory00000
MATH 172Calculus II00000
MATH 221Several Variable Calculus00000
MATH 251Engineering Mathematics III00000
MATH 281Seminar in Mathematics00000
MATH 289Special Topics in...00000
MATH 300Foundations of Mathematics00000
MATH 304Linear Algebra00000
MATH 309Linear Algebra for Differential Equations00000
MATH 323Linear Algebra00000
MATH 365Structure of Mathematics I00000
MATH 376Intermediate Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 401Advanced Engineering Mathematics00000
MATH 407Complex Variables00000
MATH 410Advanced Calculus II00000
MATH 412Theory of Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 415Modern Algebra I00000
MATH 419Applications of Actuarial Science00000
MATH 423Linear Algebra II00000
MATH 427Introduction to Number Theory00000
MATH 433Applied Algebra00000
MATH 436Introduction to Topology00000
MATH 439Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces00000
MATH 446Principles of Analysis I00000
MATH 460Tensors and General Relativity00000
MATH 470Communications and Cryptography00000
MATH 472Elliptic Curve Cryptography00000
MATH 478Topological Data Analysis00000
MATH 131Math Concepts Calculus00000
MATH 220Foundations Of Math00000
MATH 307Math Methods Mtrl Sci & Engr00000
MATH 491Research00000
MATH 603Meth Appl Math II00000
MATH 607Real Variables I00000
MATH 608Real Variables II00000
MATH 611Intro Ord & Part Diff Eq00000
MATH 614Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 618Complex Variables II00000
MATH 623Differential Geometry II00000
MATH 627Algebraic Number Theory00000
MATH 630Combinatorics00000
MATH 638Conservation Laws00000
MATH 641Analy For Applications I00000
MATH 644Algebraic Topology II00000
MATH 647Math Modelling00000
MATH 650Several Complex Variable00000
MATH 652Optimization II00000
MATH 658Appl Harm Analysis00000
MATH 663Seminar In Analysis00000
MATH 667Found And Mtds Approx00000
MATH 676Fem In Scientific Comput00000
MATH 689Sptp:Math Tools Of Finance00000
MATH 166Top In Contemp Math II00000
MATH 490The Putnam Challenge00000
MATH 601Meth Appl Math I00000
MATH 606Theory Of Prob I00000
MATH 610Num Meth In Diff Equa00000
MATH 613Graph Theory00000
MATH 617Complex Variables I00000
MATH 622Differential Geometry I00000
MATH 629History Of Mathematics00000
MATH 637Topology II00000
MATH 640Linear Algebra For Appl00000
MATH 643Algebraic Topology I00000
MATH 646Survey Math Problems II00000
MATH 651Optimization I00000
MATH 654Algebra II00000
MATH 656Functional Analysis II00000
MATH 660Comp Linear Algebra00000
MATH 662Seminar In Algebra00000
MATH 666Seminar In Geometry00000
MATH 673Info Sec Auth I00000
MATH 679Math Algorithms & Implements00000
MATH 684Professional Internship: In-Ab00000
MATH 695Frontiers In Math00000