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Suny Purchase Course Reviews

State University of New York at Purchase

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACT 1055Fundamentals of Acting00000
ACT 1220Voice I00000
ACT 1355Stage Combat I00000
ACT 2020Acting II00000
ACT 2210Voice II00000
ACT 2410Physical Comedy II00000
ACT 3004Creative Expression00000
ACT 3170Speech III00000
ACT 3320Movement III00000
ACT 3710Rehearsal and Performance I00000
ACT 4250Voice and Speech IV00000
ACT 4451Acting for Camera II00000
ACT 4710Rehearsal and Performance II00000
ACT 1020Acting I00000
ACT 1170Speech I00000
ACT 1310Movement I00000
ACT 1670Improvisation I00000
ACT 2160Speech II00000
ACT 2310Movement II00000
ACT 2620Stage Makeup00000
ACT 3020Acting III00000
ACT 3220Voice III00000
ACT 3670Improvisation II00000
ACT 3700Rehearsal and Performance I00000
ACT 4255Voice and Speech IV00000
ACT 4500The Business of Acting00000
ACT 4720Rehearsal and Performance II00000
ACT 1010Acting I00000
ACT 1160Speech I00000
ACT 1250Dramatic Structure00000
ACT 1410Physical Comedy I00000
ACT 2100History of Theatre00000
ACT 2220Voice II00000
ACT 2610Stage Makeup00000
ACT 3010Acting III00000
ACT 3210Voice III00000
ACT 3365Stage Combat II00000
ACT 3720Rehearsal and Performance I00000
ACT 4020Acting IV00000
ACT 4320Movement IV00000
ACT 4700Rehearsal and Performance II00000
ACT 1030Script Analysis00000
ACT 1210Voice I00000
ACT 1320Movement I00000
ACT 2010Acting II00000
ACT 2170Speech II00000
ACT 2320Movement II00000
ACT 2700Introduction to Rehearsal and Performance00000
ACT 3160Speech III00000
ACT 3310Movement III00000
ACT 4010Acting IV00000
ACT 4310Movement IV00000
ACT 4550Acting for Camera00000
ACT 4730Rehearsal and Performance II00000