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Suny Poly Course Reviews

State University of New York Polytechnic Institute

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 240Data Structures & Algorithms00000
CS 345Logic Design00000
CS 371Software Engineering Projects00000
CS 420Numerical Computing00000
CS 451Distributed Systems00000
CS 489Co-Op Work Study/Computer Sci00000
CS 498Capstone Project00000
CS 505Object-oriented Programming00000
CS 518Topic: Numerical Computing00000
CS 523Parallel Computing00000
CS 530Algorithms & Complexity00000
CS 538Topic: Apprx/Recur Neural Ntwk00000
CS 542Machine Learning00000
CS 591Independent Study/Computer Sci00000
CS 220Computer Organization00000
CS 330Operating Systems & Networking00000
CS 370Software Engineering00000
CS 409Software Project Management00000
CS 450Computer Graphics00000
CS 480Compiler Design00000
CS 495Artificial Intelligence00000
CS 503Data Structures00000
CS 511Formal Mthds Sftw Cnstr & Verf00000
CS 521Operating Systems00000
CS 524Distributed Systems00000
CS 531Automata-Computblty/Forml Lang00000
CS 540Artificial Intelligence00000
CS 543Introduction to Systems Theory00000
CS 598Project00000
CS 108Computing Fundamentals00000
CS 307UNIX Programming Environment00000
CS 351Web Developmnt & Internet Prog00000
CS 381Princ Comp Secur & Cryptgraphy00000
CS 441Computer Systems Architecture00000
CS 477Algorithms00000
CS 491Independent Study/Computer Sci00000
CS 502Machine Structures00000
CS 510Programming Languages00000
CS 520Computer Architecture00000
CS 522Computer Networks00000
CS 528Topic: Systems & Architecture00000
CS 532Cryptography & Data Security00000
CS 541Database Systems00000
CS 548Topic: Modeling and Simulation00000
CS 599Thesis00000
CS 100Intro to Computing Seminar00000
CS 249Object-Oriented Programming00000
CS 350Information & Knowledge Mgmnt00000
CS 377Intro to Theory of Computing00000
CS 431Principls Programmng Languages00000
CS 470Computer Vision and Image Proc00000
CS 490Topic: System Studies00000
CS 500Discrete Structures00000