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Stanford Course Reviews

Stanford University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
NSUR 210Operative Neuroanatomy Using Virtual Reality and Cadaver Lab54.553.52
AA 300Engineer Thesis00000
AFRICAAM 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present00000
AFRICAAM 48QSouth Africa: Contested Transitions00000
ACCT 691PhD Directed Reading00000
AA 283Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion00000
AFRICAAM 37Contemporary Choreography: Chocolate Heads Performance Proje...00000
AA 240BAnalysis Of Structures00000
AA 256Mechanics of Composites00000
ACCT 152Introduction to Financial Accounting00000
ACCT 311Global Financial Reporting00000
ACCT 612Financial Reporting Seminar00000
AA 279BAdvanced Space Mechanics00000
ACCT 802TGR Dissertation00000
AA 218Introduction to Symmetry Analysis00000
AFRICAAM 21African American Vernacular English00000
AA 289Robotics and Autonomous Systems Seminar00000
AFRICAAM 44Post-Civil Right Black America00000
AA 149Operation of Aerospace Systems00000
AFRICAAM 55FThe Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1830 to 187700000
AA 244BAdvanced Plasma Physics and Engineering00000
ACCT 212Managerial Accounting: Base00000
AA 174APrinciples of Robot Autonomy I00000
AA 273State Estimation and Filtering for Aerospace Systems00000
ACCT 317Managerial Accounting: Performance Measurement, Compensation...00000
ACCT 340Alphanomics: Informational Arbitrage in Equity Markets00000
ACCT 610Seminar in Empirical Accounting Research00000
AA 277Multi-robot Control, Communication, and Sensing00000
ACCT 617Applications of Contract Theory in Accounting Research00000
AA 212Advanced Feedback Control Design00000
ACCT 698Doctoral Practicum in Teaching00000
AA 279DSpacecraft Formation-Flying and Rendezvous00000
AFRICAAM 8Conjure And Manifest: Building A Sustainable Artistic Practi...00000
AA 136BSpacecraft Design Laboratory00000
AFRICAAM 18CSugar and Slavery, Race and Revolution: The Caribbean 1450-1...00000
AA 284BPropulsion System Design Laboratory00000
AFRICAAM 30The Egyptians00000
AA 236BSpacecraft Design Laboratory00000
AFRICAAM 42Clothing and Black Expressive Culture in African American Hi...00000
AA 291Practical Training00000
AFRICAAM 45Dance Improvisation from Freestyle to Hip Hop00000
AA 115NThe Global Positioning System: Where On Earth Are We, And Wh...00000
AFRICAAM 50BNineteenth Century America00000
AA 801TGR Engineer Thesis00000
AFRICAAM 58AEgypt in the Age of Heresy00000
AA 173Flight Mechanics & Controls00000
ACCT 210Financial Accounting00000
AA 251Introduction to the Space Environment00000
ACCT 213Financial Accounting - Accelerated00000
AA 119N3D Printed Aerospace Structures00000
ACCT 313Accounting-Based Valuation00000
AA 261Building an Aerospace Startup from the Ground Up00000
ACCT 332Mergers and Acquisitions00000
AA 199Independent Study in Aero/Astro00000
AA 274Principles Of Robotic Autonomy00000
ACCT 516Analysis and Valuation of Emerging Market Firms00000
ACCT 523Board Governance00000
ACCT 609Financial Reporting and Management Control00000
AA 274APrinciples of Robot Autonomy I00000
ACCT 611Disclosure and Financial Markets00000
AA 204Spacecraft Electric Propulsion00000
ACCT 615Selected Topics in Empirical Accounting Research00000
AA 279CSpacecraft Attitude Determination and Control00000
ACCT 618Market Efficiency and Informational Arbitrage00000
AA 135Introduction to Space Policy00000
ACCT 692PhD Dissertation Research00000
AA 279ASpace Mechanics00000
ACCT 699Doctoral Practicum in Research00000
AA 214ANumerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences00000
AFRICAAM 5IHamilton: An American Musical00000
AA 280Smart Structures00000
AFRICAAM 10AIntroduction to Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics: Arts, C...00000
AA 109QAerodynamics of Race Cars00000
AFRICAAM 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-194000000
AA 284AAdvanced Rocket Propulsion00000
AFRICAAM 20AJazz Theory00000
AA 228Decision Making under Uncertainty00000
AFRICAAM 28Health Impact of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse acros...00000
AA 284CPropulsion System Design Laboratory00000
AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora00000
AA 146BAircraft Design Laboratory00000
AFRICAAM 41Genes and Identity00000
AA 290Problems in Aero/Astro00000
AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African America...00000
AA 240Analysis of Structures00000
AFRICAAM 45SThe Cold War and the Shaping of Modern Africa00000
AA 294Case Studies in Aircraft Design00000
AFRICAAM 47History of South Africa00000
AA 100Introduction to Aeronautics and Astronautics00000
AFRICAAM 49SAfrican Futures: Nationalism, Pan-Africanism, and Beyond00000
AA 301Ph.D. Dissertation00000
AFRICAAM 54NAfrican American Women's Lives00000
AA 242AClassical Dynamics00000
ACCT 524Individual Taxes and Financial Planning00000
AA 802TGR Ph.D. Dissertation00000
AA 47SIWhy Go To Space?00000
AA 103Air and Space Propulsion00000
AA 122NDawn of the Drones: How Will Unmanned Aerial Systems Change...00000
AA 201AFundamentals of Acoustics00000
AA 274BPrinciples of Robot Autonomy II00000