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Scranton Course Reviews

University of Scranton

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTH 116(CA)Art of Greece and Rome00000
ARTH 217(W)Leonardo Da Vinci00000
ARTH 225(CA,D,EPW)Art/20th Century00000
ARTH 102(CA)II:Forming Christian Herit00000
ARTH 210(CA,D)Women/ the Visual Arts00000
ARTH 220(D,EPW)History of Photography00000
ARTH 227(CA,D,EPW) Matisse and Picasso00000
ARTH 111X(FYS,CA) Art, Time and Place00000
ARTH 213(CA,D,EPW)American Art00000
ARTH 222(EPW)Impressionism/Postimpress00000
ARTH 114(CA)History of Architecture00000
ARTH 216(CA)Michelangelo & His World00000
ARTH 103(CA)III:Global Visual Cultures00000
ARTH 212(CA,D,EPW)African American Art00000
ARTH 221(Ca,D,W)Nineteenth-Century Art00000
ARTH 101(CA)I: Ancient World00000
ARTH 184ST:Intro to Archaeology00000
ARTH 214(CA)Renaiss Art/Italy1200-148000000