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Rollins Course Reviews

Rollins College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARH 105ATopic: Women, Art, & Power00000
ARH 120Intro Renaissance-Modern Art00000
ARH 195Fashion through Film00000
ARH 197Cornell Fine Arts Docent00000
ARH 213Arch of Egypt & Near East00000
ARH 217Arch of the Roman Empire00000
ARH 219Medieval Art00000
ARH 223Italian Renaissance Art00000
ARH 227European Baroque Art00000
ARH 233European Art00000
ARH 23520th Century Art00000
ARH 243Fashion in Africa00000
ARH 283IArt in Orlando00000
ARH 295Art in Orlando00000
ARH 315Topic: The Early Mediterranean00000
ARH 321Topics: Roman Palaces00000
ARH 332Topic: Europe, Art, & Empire00000
ARH 339History of Photography00000
ARH 341African Art and Colonialism00000
ARH 368Picturing War00000
ARH 397Art History Internship00000
ARH 404Museum Practicum00000
ARH 498HMHonRsch: VanGoghInNature00000
ARH 110Intro Ancient-Medieval Art00000
ARH 140Introduction to Global Art00000
ARH 145Introduction to African Art00000
ARH 212Special Studies: Anc & Med Art00000
ARH 215Archaeology of the Greek World00000
ARH 218Art/Arch: Egypt & Near East00000
ARH 221Gender & Sex, Renaissance Art00000
ARH 225Northern Renaissance Art00000
ARH 232Photography and War00000
ARH 236Whose Culture Is It?00000
ARH 262Theme: Art & Science00000
ARH 286Special Studies: Whose Culture00000
ARH 312Archeology of Ancient Slavery00000
ARH 315BSpec Studies: Etruscan Archae00000
ARH 327Rome: Caravaggio & Bernini00000
ARH 337Impressionism00000
ARH 340Tpc:GlobalTrade AfricanTextile00000
ARH 360Women & Art00000
ARH 367Artists on Film00000
ARH 402Methodologies of Art History00000
ARH 498HDHonRsch: 1920s Fashion00000
ARH 499HMHonRsch: VanGoghInNature00000