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Portland State Course Reviews

Portland State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUS 320Fund Of Conducting: Mued Chral45441
UNST 169BWhat Are Great Books52551
ECE 171Digital Circuits41451
ECE 101LLab for Ece 10153551
PSY 320Soc Sci Rsrch Methds II13221
KOR 103First-Year Korean Tm353551
ASL 202Second-Year Asl Tm200000
ARH 317UChinese Painting00000
BBE 434Planning, Assessment & Curr00000
BI 435LPlant Systematics Lab00000
ANTH 550Core Seminar In Archaeology00000
ARH 59120Th Century Art00000
BI 555LHistology Lab00000
ART 578Studio Practice: Workshop00000
ARCH 564Arch Technology 300000
BA 332UProperty, Management & Society00000
ANTH 457Hunter-Gatherers00000
BI 216Principles Of Biology Lab III00000
ARH 384Art In The 20Th Century00000
BI 516LMarine Mammal Lab00000
ANTH 350Archaeological Method & Thry00000
BST 206Caribbean Studies00000
ANTH 578Human Osteology00000
ART 225Comm Design Systems00000
ART 282Painting Topics: Water Media00000
ANTH 370LPaleoanthropology Lab00000
ARCH 231Arch & Cultural History II00000
ART 313Textile Design00000
ART 496Bfa Project I00000
ARCH 532History & Theory Urban Design00000
ART 587Mfa Exhibition Project00000
ANTH 435Visual Anthropology00000
BA 213Decision Making W/Actg Info00000
ARCH 586Integrated Systems00000
BA 521Leadership Dev & Assessment00000
ANTH 312USe Asian Societies & Cultures00000
BI 206Fund Biol Lab: Evol & Diversit00000
ARH 359UGothic Art00000
BI 427Evolutionary Genomics00000
ANTH 511Core Sem Social/Cultural Anth00000
BI 463Sensory and Motor Systems00000
ARH 425UMod Japanese Painting00000
BI 530Theory Recomb Dna Techniques00000
ACTG 585SBusiness Law00000
BI 586Pathogenic Bacteriology00000
ART 117Found Std II: 3-D Design00000
BST 299Spst: Women in African Hst00000
ANTH 363UEgyptian Archaeology00000
ART 255Two-Dimension Animation I00000
ARCH 120Visual Communication 100000
ART 297Book Arts00000
AGE 557Natl Long Term Care Policy00000
ART 328Ksmoca: Museum in a School00000
ARCH 362Building Tectonics 300000
ART 341Interactive Media I00000
ART 353Typeface Design00000
ANTH 379UPracticing Forensic Science00000
ARCH 420Adv Arch Graphics & Media00000
ART 362Photographic Imaging00000
ART 471Design Thesis II00000
ARCH 522Arch Graphics & Media00000
ART 510Top: Adv Paintng Critique Wksp00000
ANTH 418Environmental Anthropology00000
ART 585Mfa Gr Sem IV: Prof Practices00000
ARCH 540Professional Practice00000
ART 599Mfa Exhibition Critique00000
ANTH 103Intro Social/Cultural Anth00000
BA 101Intro Bus & Wrld Aff00000
ARCH 573Arch Dsgn Transition Studio IV00000
BA 306UEssntls of Finance-Non-Majors00000
ANTH 453HArchaeological Field Methods00000
BA 385HBusiness Environment00000
ARH 206Art History: Modern World00000
BA 527Mba Domestic Bus Experience00000
ACTG 513Mngrl Actg And Control00000
BBE 534Planning, Assessment & Curr00000
ARH 351UAnc Egyptian & Near East Art00000
BI 209Biology For Allied Health III00000
ANTH 472The Roots Of Human Biology00000
BI 302LHuman Anat & Phy Lab00000
ARH 377UDutch And Flemish Baroque Art00000
BI 431Adv Molec & Cell Biol Res Lab00000
ANTH 320Native Americans Of Nw Coast00000
BI 452Cancer Biology00000
ARH 410Top: Ren & Baroque Art At Pam00000
BI 476Population Ecology00000
ANTH 518Environmental Anthropology00000
BI 525Natural History Of Antarctica00000
ARH 49320Th Century Art00000
BI 535Plant Systematics00000
ACTG 445Forensic Accounting00000
BI 571LPlant Ecology Lab00000
ART 102Core: Space00000
BI 607Sem: Biology Seminar00000
ANTH 557Hunter-Gatherers00000
ART 374Inter Sculpt Top: Symbiotic S00000
ARCH 431Contemporary Urban Design00000
ART 393Painting Topics: Water Media00000
ART 425A+D Projects00000
ART 182Idea & Form00000