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PCC East Course Reviews

Pima Community College, East

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHM 080Prep. For Gen Chemistry00000
CHM 130RCFundamental CHM Recitation00000
CHM 140RCFund. Org. & BioCHM Recitation00000
CHM 151RCGeneral Chemistry I Recitation00000
CHM 152INGeneral Chemistry II00000
CHM 235RCGen Organic CHM I Recitation00000
CHM 236INGen Organic Chemistry II00000
CHM 236RCGen Organic CHM II Recitation00000
CHM 121INChemistry and Society00000
CHM 130INFundamental Chemistry00000
CHM 140INFund. Organic & Biochemistry00000
CHM 151INGeneral Chemistry I00000
CHM 152RCGeneral Chemistry II Recitatio00000
CHM 235INGen. Organic Chemistry I00000
CHM 295LBInd Research In Chemistry00000