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PCC Community Course Reviews

Pima Community College, Community

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANT 110Buried Cities and Lost Tribes00000
ANT 180Artifact Identif: Tucson Basin00000
ANT 205Intro to SW Prehistory00000
ANT 250Archaeology Laboratory00000
ANT 277Archaeological Excavation II00000
ANT 112Exploring Non-Western Cultures00000
ANT 181Global Positioning Sys Basics00000
ANT 206Contemp Native Amer of the SW00000
ANT 265Mapping Concepts00000
ANT 276Archaeological Surveying I00000
ANT 296Independent Studies in ANT/ARC00000
ANT 127Hist & Cult of Mex-Amer in SW00000
ANT 202Sexuality, Gender and Culture00000
ANT 210Cultural Anthropology00000
ANT 253Death Dying Across Cultures00000
ANT 281Global Positioning Systems00000
ANT 102Intro to Cult Anthro & Ling00000
ANT 148History Indians North America00000
ANT 215The Nature of Language00000
ANT 275Archaeological Excavation I00000
ANT 278Archaeological Surveying II00000
ANT 101Human Origins and Prehistory00000
ANT 130Hist/Culture of SW Borderlands00000
ANT 204INHumEvol:ApeMen/CaveWmn/MsngLnk00000
ANT 225Principles of Archaeology00000
ANT 267Intro to Geographic Info Systm00000
ANT 286Electronic & Digital Field Map00000