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OU Course Reviews

Oakland University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ALS 5960Practicum00000
AN 395St: Principles Of Cartography00000
AH 496Senior Thesis Art History II00000
ALS 538Theory/Practice Lang Testing00000
AH 3220Early Medieval/Byzt/Roman Art00000
AH 310Art Of Ancient Near East00000
AN 302Anthro Research Methods00000
ACC 6260Enterprise Risk Management00000
AH 3000Critical Thinking/Wrting AH II00000
ACS 450Financial Mathematics00000
ALS 376Language And Society00000
AH 3710Visualizing Nuclear Experience00000
AED 4950Internship in Art Education00000
ALS 5534Language Develop in Children00000
ACC 5220Auditing00000
AMS 4998Senior Project00000
AH 362Art Since 196000000
AN 380Archaeology Of North America00000
ACC 3010Financial Report and Analysis00000
AN 1511Human Evolution and Archaeolog00000
ACC 6970Independent Study/Accounting00000
AH 3080Latin American Art00000
ACC 3990ACHIEVE III-Accounting00000
AH 3430Art Since 196000000
ACS 4550Financial Mathematics00000
ALS 334Lang Development In Children00000
AH 4999Senior Thesis Art History II00000
AED 4120Visual Culture: Thry in Art Ed00000
ALS 518Tchng English As Second Lang00000
ACC 5150Federal Income Taxation00000
ALS 4418Tchng English as Second Lang00000
AH 200Critical Thinking/Writing Ah I00000
ALS 5575Language and Culture00000
ACC 660Prof Accounting Research00000
ALS 6632Assessment and Compliance00000
AH 322Early Medieval/Byzt/Roman Art00000
AN 222Intro Anthro Archaeology00000
ACC 5500Tax Research, Planning and Adm00000
AN 333Medical Anthropology00000
AH 377Visualizing Nuclear Experience00000
AN 385Historical Archaeology00000
ACC 521Federal Income Tax II00000
AN 497College Teaching Apprenticeshp00000
AH 1003Arts of Asia and Islamic World00000
AN 2130Global Human Systems00000
ACC 3180AIS: Planning and Analysis00000
AH 3020Chinese Art00000
ACS 300Fdns Of Probability And Calc00000
AH 3120Greek Art00000
ACC 550Tax Research And Procedure00000
AH 3310Renaissance Art in Italy00000
ACS 3000Fdns of Probability and Calc00000
AH 3540History of Photography I00000
ACC 4110Auditing00000
AH 3930Field Experience00000
ACS 4905ST:Modeling Financial Economic00000
AHS 3340Hospital Safety and Health00000
AHS 340Delivering Safe Patient Care00000
AED 304Teaching Art/Secondary Level00000
ALS 374Cross Cultural Communication00000
ACC 5110Financial Accounting00000
ALS 419Practicum00000
AED 4221Tchng Art Midl Schl00000
ALS 534Language Develop In Children00000
ACC 630Accounting & Communication00000
ALS 4375Language and Culture00000
AH 101Western Art Renaissanc/Present00000
ALS 4960Practicum00000
ACC 5210Federal Income Tax II00000
ALS 5538Theory/Practice Lang Testing00000
AH 307Buddhist Art00000
ALS 5580Language and Society00000
ACC 511Financial Accounting00000
ALS 6630Language Pedagogy00000
AH 314Roman Art00000
AMS 401Senior Project00000
ACC 5260AIS: Audit and Control00000
AN 102Culture And Human Nature00000
AH 345German Art00000
AN 300Culture, Society And Tech00000
ACC 2000Intro to Financial Accounting00000
AN 322The Food Quest00000
AH 368History Of Photography I00000
AN 374Cross Cultural Communication00000
ACC 6010Financial Analysis & Valuation00000
AN 381Native Peoples/1St Nat/Namer00000
AH 399Field Experience00000
AN 387Archael/Sacred Sites Near East00000
ACC 320Managerial And Cost Acct II00000
AN 470Anthropological Theory00000
AH 1001Western Art Prehist/Medieval00000
AN 1111Intro to Cultural Anthropology00000
ACC 6310Fraud Examination00000
AH 2100Concepts Modern & Postmdn Art00000
ACC 301Financial Report And Analysis00000
ACC 412Gov And Not-For-Profit Acct00000
ACC 601Financial Analysis & Valuation00000
ACC 4996Independent Study00000
AED 302Tchng Art Elem Schl00000
AHS 3310Health Care Safety00000