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Occidental Course Reviews

Occidental College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTH 256Memory and Place in Post-WW II Architecture00000
ARTH 287History of Photography00000
ARTH 389Modern and Contemporary Art00000
ARTH 395Special Topics in Art History: Imag(in)ing War and Disaster...00000
ARTH 180Introduction to Later European and American Art00000
ARTH 283Renaissance Architecture In Italy00000
ARTH 360Women and Art in East Asia00000
ARTH 378Art of the Northern Renaissance00000
ARTH 268The Japanese Woodblock Print00000
ARTH 295Topics in Art History: Japanese Art and Visual Culture in th...00000
ARTH 391Curatorial Seminar in Art History: East Asian Gardens00000
ARTH 160Introduction to East Asian Art00000
ARTH 272Greek and Roman Art00000
ARTH 289Modern Art in the US and Europe, 1900-195000000
ARTH 374Art of the Early Italian Renaissance00000
ARTH 490Senior Seminar in Art History00000
ARTH 257Turbines and Seashells: Architecture and the Pacific Ocean00000
ARTH 285Nineteenth Century Art: Culture, Politics, and National Iden...00000
ARTH 365Gender and Art in Japan00000
ARTH 390Seminar in Art History: Colonial Urbanism00000