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NYU Course Reviews

New York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HBRJDGA 1103Akkadian III00000
HBRJDGA 1120Aramaic IV00000
HBRJDGA 1318Academic Hebrew00000
HBRJDGA 1517From Zionist Sabra to Cosmopolitan Israel00000
HBRJDGA 2118Israel & America Since 194800000
HBRJDGA 2380Amoraic Midrash00000
HBRJDGA 2623History of Judaism in Late Antiquity00000
HBRJDGA 2690Major Issues & Problems:00000
HBRJDGA 3224The Jewish Community: Classical Institutions00000
HBRJDGA 3460Tpcs in Jewish Philosphy00000
HBRJDGA 3535Tpc/Est Euro Jewish Hist00000
HBRJDGA 3801Dissertation Research00000
HBRJDGA 1102Akkadian II00000
HBRJDGA 1117Aramaic I00000
HBRJDGA 1216Academic Yiddish I00000
HBRJDGA 1516History of Arab-Israeli Negotiations00000
HBRJDGA 2020Topics in Ancient Judaism00000
HBRJDGA 2369Topics in Babylonian Talmud00000
HBRJDGA 2379Talmudic Texts: Bavli Narratives00000
HBRJDGA 2443Maimonides Mishneh Torah Jewish Law & Legal Theory00000
HBRJDGA 2689Nazi Germany The Racial State &Persecut of Minor00000
HBRJDGA 3176Jewish Migration in the Modern Era00000
HBRJDGA 3452Topics in the Cultures and Histories of the Jews of Islam:00000
HBRJDGA 3530Tpcs in Holocaust Stdies00000
HBRJDGA 3797Directed Study in Jewish Thought00000
HBRJDGA 1004Recent Developments in Hebrew and Judaic Studies00000
HBRJDGA 1104Akkadian IV00000
HBRJDGA 1176Readings in Yiddish Literature of the 20th Century00000
HBRJDGA 1320Yiddishism in The 20th C00000
HBRJDGA 1601Core Readings in Modern Jewish Thought00000
HBRJDGA 2135Introduction to Rabbinic Literature00000
HBRJDGA 2375Jerusalem Talmud00000
HBRJDGA 2441Maimonides Guide of The Perplexed00000
HBRJDGA 2671Judaism and the Arts00000
HBRJDGA 2757The 1967 War – Causes and Consequences00000
HBRJDGA 3311Topics in The Bible:00000
HBRJDGA 3328Tolerance and Dissent in Judaism00000
HBRJDGA 3525Postwar and Post-Holocaust Western Europe00000
HBRJDGA 3795Dir Study in Hebrew Manuscripts00000
HBRJDGA 1005Prob & Meth in Hebrew & Judaic Studies00000
HBRJDGA 1115Ugaritic I00000
HBRJDGA 1180Modern Hebrew for Biblicists00000
HBRJDGA 1420Israel, the US, & Soviet Jewry00000
HBRJDGA 1520The Jewish Struggle for Independence 1939-194800000
HBRJDGA 2120The History of Ancient Israel in Its Land00000
HBRJDGA 2410Medieval Hebrew Poetry00000
HBRJDGA 2453Topics in Literary Studies00000
HBRJDGA 2756Creating the State: Israel from 1948 to 196700000
HBRJDGA 3313Readings in Dead Sea Scrolls00000
HBRJDGA 3504Topics in the Bible: Law Codes in the Bible and Mesopotamia00000
HBRJDGA 3792Dir Study Jewish History00000
HBRJDGA 3802Dissertation Research00000
HBRJDGA 2210Apocryphal Literature00000
HBRJDGA 1512History of Zionism00000
HBRJDGA 2107Northwest Semitic Inscriptions00000
HBRJDGA 1061Advanced Biblical Hebrew00000
HBRJDGA 1118Aramaic II: Qumran Aramaic00000
HBRJDGA 1217Academic Yiddish II00000
HBRJDGA 1948Topics in Israeli Studies00000
HBRJDGA 2371Rdg in Babylonian Talmud00000
HBRJDGA 2437Topics in Jewish Law00000
HBRJDGA 2651Jewish Bible, Text and Artifact: From Ancient to Modern Time...00000
HBRJDGA 2715American Jewish Women’s History00000
HBRJDGA 2902Masters Thesis Research00000
HBRJDGA 3324Integrative Sem: The Bible in Jewish Culture00000
HBRJDGA 3520Topics in American Jewish History00000
HBRJDGA 3793Dir Study in Hebrew Lit00000
HBRJDGA 1101Akkadian I00000
HBRJDGA 1116Ugaritic II00000
HBRJDGA 1215History of Israelite Religion00000
HBRJDGA 1513Jewish Collectivity & Mutual Responsibility in the 19th & 20...00000
HBRJDGA 1684America and the Jews: Recent Scholarship on an Historic Enco...00000
HBRJDGA 2220Topics: Readings in the Dead Sea Scrolls00000
HBRJDGA 2432What We Owe to Others: Jwsh Lw &Ethcs of Oblgtn00000
HBRJDGA 2457Critical Theory and Ancient Judaism00000
HBRJDGA 2688Memoirs & Diaries in Mod European Jewish History00000
HBRJDGA 2786Modern Jewish Denominations00000
HBRJDGA 3314Reading in Hebrew Lit:00000
HBRJDGA 3507Dir Study Ancient Near Eastern & Egyptian Stds00000
HBRJDGA 3791Independent Study00000
HBRJDGA 3992Sacr,Cult,& Gndr: Issac& Iphigen Contmp Sacr Narr00000
HBRJDGA 3451Judaism and Islam in the Middle Ages00000