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NYU Course Reviews

New York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOLUA 11Principles of Biology I00000
BIOLUA 21Molecular and Cell Biology I00000
BIOLUA 25Physiology00000
BIOLUA 30Genetics00000
BIOLUA 32Gene Structure and Function00000
BIOLUA 44Microbiology and Microbial Genomics00000
BIOLUA 58Evolution00000
BIOLUA 70ATB: Microbiology00000
BIOLUA 124Fundamentals of Bioinformatics00000
BIOLUA 201Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology00000
BIOLUA 255Mathematics and Biology00000
BIOLUA 332Current Topics in Earth System Science00000
BIOLUA 530Cancer Biology00000
BIOLUA 922Spring Special Topics Course00000
BIOLUA 980Internship00000
BIOLUA 997Independent Study00000
BIOLUA 9011Prin of Biology I00000
BIOLUA 9980Internship00000
BIOLUA 12Principles of Biology II00000
BIOLUA 22Molecular and Cell Biology II00000
BIOLUA 27ATB: Experimental Physiology00000
BIOLUA 31ATB: Genetics & Genomics00000
BIOLUA 45Biostatistics and Human Genetics00000
BIOLUA 64Ecological Analysis Geog Info System00000
BIOLUA 103Bioinformatics in Medicine and Biology00000
BIOLUA 130ATB: Epigenetics00000
BIOLUA 202Behavioral & Integrative Neuroscience00000
BIOLUA 327NY Underground00000
BIOLUA 390Urban Ecology00000
BIOLUA 700Evolutionary Zoology00000
BIOLUA 957Advanced Research in Synthetic Biology00000
BIOLUA 995Becoming a Scientist (Honors)00000
BIOLUA 9012Principles of Biology II00000
BIOLUA 42Biostatistics00000
BIOLUA 63Fundamentals of Ecology00000
BIOLUA 100Intro to Neural Science00000
BIOLUA 140Where the City Meets the Sea: Studies in Coastal Urban Envir...00000
BIOLUA 256Computers in Medicine & Biolog00000
BIOLUA 500At the Bench: Disease Ecology00000
BIOLUA 560Plant Science and Biotechnology00000
BIOLUA 926Advanced Research:00000
BIOLUA 981Internship00000
BIOLUA 999Undergraduate Research Thesis00000
BIOLUA 9123Principles of Biology Laboratory00000
BIOLUA 901Fast Track:Biology Essentials00000
BIOLUA 920Spring Special Topics Course00000
BIOLUA 7Practical Human Physiology00000
BIOLUA 16Ecological Field Methods00000
BIOLUA 23Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BIOLUA 26Developmental Biology00000
BIOLUA 37ATB: Applied Cell Biology00000
BIOLUA 50Immunology00000
BIOLUA 66Biogeochemistry of Global Change00000
BIOLUA 123Principles of Biology Laboratory00000
BIOLUA 150ATB:Immunology00000
BIOLUA 223Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIOLUA 505Viral Biodiversity and Evolution00000
BIOLUA 916Advanced Research00000
BIOLUA 954Advanced Research in Microbiology00000
BIOLUA 998Independent Study00000
BIOLUA 9022Molecular and Cell Biology II00000