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NWFSC Course Reviews

Northwest Florida State College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MNA 1161Customer Service00000
PAD 4878Capstone: Public Svc00000
ETD 2357CInventor I00000
MAN 3310Issues In Human Resource Mgmt00000
FSS 1250Dining Room Management00000
EMS 2436GParamedic Lab II00000
MVK 2221Applied Piano II00000
DEA 0020Preclinical Procedures Theory00000
FFP 1702Principles of Emergency Servcs00000
DSC 2056Disaster Response Operations00000
HIM 2272Health Care Reimbursement00000
GEB 3444Business Trends & Issues00000
EME 3410CIntegrating Tech. In Classroom00000
MAT 0157Modularized Dev Math II00000
CET 2620CAccessing The WAN00000
MUN 1720ARock & Jazz Ensemble II00000
ENC 2210Technical Report Writing00000
NUR 1231CNursing Process II Theory00000
ATT 1120Instrument Rating Ground Schoo00000
PHT 1200LBasic Patient Care Lab00000
DES 0324Interpersonal Commun Skills00000
FRE 1121French II00000
BCN 2560Mech Systems in Constructn00000
FSS 2942Culinary Internship00000
EDG 3410Clsrm Mgmt, Sch Safe, Law&Ethi;00000
HFT 2223Human Relation & Supv Developm00000
GLY 2601CIntro to Paleontology00000
EET 1025CElectricity II AC Circuits00000
MAC 2313Calculus III00000
CCJ 2509Intro to Gangs and Crime00000
MAN 4555Quality Certification ISO 900000000
EMS 1401LEMT Lab00000
MKA 2041Retail Management00000
ASL 1150American Sign Language II00000
MTG 2206College Geometry00000
ENC 0025Developmental Writing II00000
MUT 1242Ear Train & Sight Singing II00000
DAA 1201Intermediate Ballet00000
MVW 1201App Music Sec Woodwinds I00000
ETD 1320CAutocad I00000
NUR 3767Nurs Care Complx Clients00000
ART 1300CDrawing I00000
PEO 2005Coaching Theory00000
ETI 2419CAdv Concepts CNC Machines00000
PHT 1800LPT Clinical Practice I00000
BCN 1520Elec Systems in Construction00000
FFP 2834Social Issues Disaster Mgmt00000
DSC 1002Domestic & Intrntl Terrorism00000
FSS 1202LFood Production I00000
ART 2330CFigure Drawing I00000
FSS 2242LInternational Regional Cuisine00000
EDF 1005AIntroduction to Teach Professn00000
GEB 2430Business Ethics00000
BOT 1010CBotany00000
GEB 4930Special Topic: Project Mgmt00000
EEC 1309Early Childhood Educ Found00000
HFT 1000Intro to Hospitality Mgmt00000
GRA 2141CMultimedia II00000
EEC 3524Professional Program Develpmnt00000
HIM 1000Hlth Info & Delivery System00000
BUL 2242Business Law II00000
LIT 2100World Literature I00000
EEX 2010Intro Exceptional Child00000
MAE 4940CTeach Mthds MG Math Fld Exp00000
ASC 1320Aviation Laws & Regulations00000
MAN 3593Logistics & Supply Chain00000
EMS 0119Emerg Med Tech for Firefighter00000
MAR 2011Intro To Marketing00000
CET 2172CMicrocomputer Servicing00000
MET 1010Intro Meteorology00000
EMS 2425GParamedic Externship-CrossTerm00000
MLT 1401CMedical Microbiology00000
ARH 2050Art History: Pre-Ren00000
MSL 1002Basic Leadrshp & Mil Skl00000
EMS 2553Pediatric Adv Life Support00000
MUN 1140CWind Ensemble I00000
CET 2940Computer Engineer Internship00000
MUT 1001Fundamentals of Music00000
ENC 1101LEnglish Composition Lab I00000
MUT 2247Ear Training & Sight Sing IV00000
ATF 2202LCommercial Flight II00000
MVS 2202Ap Music Sec Strings II00000
ENT 2931Select Studies Entrepreneurshp00000
NSP 4275Intro To Critical-Care Nursing00000
DAA 2105Modern II for Majors00000
NUR 2241LNursing Process IV Clinical00000
ETD 1801CTechnical Illustration00000
OST 1107Word Processing I00000
ANT 2000Anthropology Intro00000
PEL 1624WAdv Bsktball/Women00000
ETD 2735Mechanical Drafting III00000
PGY 1801CDigital Photo I00000
DEP 2100Child Growth & Development00000
EVR 1940Internship Environmental Sci00000
ACG 2450Comp Apps In Acctg00000
ARC 2201Theory Of Architecture00000
ART 2602CDigital Imaging I00000
BSC 1085CAnatomy & Physiology I00000
EEC 1949Internship, Early Child Educ00000
GRA 2900Ind. Study Graphic Art00000