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Morgan State Course Reviews

Morgan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 303Prev Scie Theo & Prac Sem III00000
PUBH 503Plcy & Hlth Serv Pln Mgmt I00000
PHYS 407Adv Topics In Physics00000
PROJ 690Project Management Application00000
POSC 001Political Science Comp Exam00000
PHIL 499Sen Rsch Or Tchg/Tutor Assist00000
PSYM 570Applied Statscl Infrnc00000
PHEC 359Psyco-Social Dimens Of Sport00000
PHYS 531Electromagnetic Theory, PHYS 531 Fall 202100000
PHIL 001Philosophy Comprehensive Exam00000
PRAA 220Public Relations Theory & Prac00000
POSC 318Race, Class, Gender & Crim Jus00000
PHIL 407Environmental Ethics00000
PSYC 205Psychology Of Adjustment00000
PHEC 286Form And Analysis In Dance00000
PSYC 368Death and Dying00000
PHYS 301Analytical Mechanics I00000
PSYM 799Thesis Defense00000
PHEC 128Dance Ensemble (Act)00000
PUBH 651DrPH Field Practicum00000
PHEC 404Perceptual Motor Development00000
PHYS 791Seminar in Physics00000
PHEC 190Elementary Swimming (Act)00000
POSC 307Scope & Meth of Political Scie00000
PHIL 222Intro To Theory Of Knowledge00000
POSC 450Senior Sem in Political Scie00000
POSC 360Gov & Politics of Euro Union00000
PHIL 343Philosophy Of Law00000
PROJ 005Grad Project Management00000
PHEC 226Dance Ensemble (Act)00000
PSYC 102Developmental Psychology00000
PHIL 443Great Works Seminar00000
PSYC 300Psychology Of Learning00000
PHEC 102Street Game & Speed Ball (Act)00000
PSYC 316Psychological Statistics I00000
PHYS 204LGen Phys Fund Phys II Lab00000
PSYC 499Senior Rsch Or Tchg/Tutor Asst00000
PHEC 320Advanced Modern Dance (Act)00000
PSYM 740Item Response Theory00000
PHYS 308Heat and Thermodynamics00000
PSYM 998Dissertation Defense00000
ORNS 106BFr. Orie Biol Stu Only (Or)00000
PUBH 602Plan, Imp, Eval, Interventions00000
PHYS 500Math Methods in Physics00000
PUBH 712Public Health And The Law00000
PHEC 170Social Dance00000
PHYS 788Supervised Research in Physics00000
PHEC 425Dance Theory00000
PHYS 799Thesis Defense00000
ORTR 101Transfer of 24 Credits (Or)00000
POSC 206Black Politics in America(Sb)00000
PHIL 119Intro to Crit Thkg Hnrs (Ct)00000
POSC 315Comparative Political Ideol00000
PHEC 202Basketball And Softball (Act)00000
POSC 331American Foreign Policy00000
PHIL 302Intro to Formal & Informal Log00000
POSC 407International Org00000
POSC 385International Relations00000
PHIL 337West Phil III: Early Mod Phil00000
POSC 499Senior Rsch Or Tchg/Tutor Asst00000
PHEC 212Physical Inspection & Eval00000
PRAA 420Case Studies & Issues Mgmt00000
PHIL 363Asian Philosophy00000
PROJ 660Project Time & Cost Mgmt00000
PHEC 049Scuba Diving I00000
PROJ 798Project Seminar00000
PHIL 439West Phil V: Contem Phil00000
PSYC 111Honors Gen Psyc (Sb)00000
PHEC 250Yoga Beginning (Act)00000
PSYC 213Theories of Personality00000
PHIL 490Sem I: Phil Reading & Writing00000
PSYC 302Topics in Mental Health Rsch00000
ORNS 106DFresh.Orien.Cosc & Phys00000
PSYC 309Top In Minority Mtl Hlth Rsch00000
PHYS 203LGen Phys: Fund Phys I-Lab(Bp)00000
PSYC 322Psychology of Perception00000
PHEC 300Set Roots of Afr Am Dance (Ah)00000
PSYC 481Psychology Internship00000
PHYS 206University Physics II (Bp)00000
PSYM 530Prncpls & Fndtns Of Msrmnt00000
PHEC 120Elementary Rhythms (Act)00000
PSYM 620Prin & Meth Of Prog Eval00000
PHYS 304Electricity & Magnetism II00000
PSYM 790Structural Equation Modeling00000
PHEC 326Adapted Physical Education00000
PSYM 860Proseminar Adv Statistics00000
PHYS 312Properties of Materials00000
PUBH 500Epidemiology I00000
ORLA 101FFr. Orie. Posc& Int'L Stu (Or)00000
PUBH 518Mph Service Learning Practicum00000
PHYS 412Lab Use of Microcomputers00000
PUBH 617Appl Of Stat Pkgs In Pub Hlth00000
PHEC 375Psych Of Teaching & Coaching00000
PHYS 526Biophysics00000
OMSW 502Online Agency & Nghbhd Dev00000
ORLA 101UFr. Orie. Undecided Major (Or)00000
PHBH 704Trnsltn & Dssmntn Comm Hlth00000
PHEC 210Folk & Square Dance (Act)00000
PHIL 322Philosophy And Social Problems00000
POSC 401Public Administration00000