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MICA Course Reviews

Maryland Institute College of Art

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DR 298QStudio Drawing: Sumi Ink00000
FB 200Introduction to Fiber00000
CSDR 210Portrait Drawing00000
CWRT 5514Talking About Design00000
CSPD 322Photoshop II00000
CRST 5550Aesthetics & Critical Theory 200000
ED 5520Internship III: Student Teaching00000
CE 335In Situ: Site Specific Work and Ceramics00000
CSPD 266NEW: Product Management for Designers00000
CE 401Ceramics Thesis and Seminar II00000
CWRT 347Writing the Short Film00000
CSPR 230Monoprint/Monotype Printmaking00000
CRST 5500Aesthetics & Critical Theory 100000
DESLD 5580Competitive Advantage II00000
CE 201Introduction to Ceramics: The Wheel Thrown Form00000
ED 5304Visual Thinking in Media, PreK - 1200000
CRT 5619CThesis Writing - Publication00000
FA 5502MFA Studio III00000
AN 317Virtual Reality for Artists00000
FB 238Woven Imagery00000
CE 360CFiguring Bodies00000
CSPD 305Project Management for Creatives00000
AN 3643D Character Animation00000
CSPH 221The Digital Darkroom00000
CP 5650Practicum I00000
CWRT 226Introduction to Poetry00000
CSPT 106Painting Techniques II00000
CP 6600Thesis III: Production00000
CWRT 5016Writing Workshop: Artist as Writer00000
AN 485Professional Practice for Animators II00000
DESLD 5520Creativity and Innovation00000
CRST 5510Narratives, Black Women & Art00000
DR 298IStudio Drawing: Color00000
AN 2752D Digital Techniques00000
DR 360Experimental Drawing00000
CRT 5500Using Critical Theory00000
ED 5309Intrnshp II: Art Intgrtn MCCRS00000
CE 207Kiln Workshop00000
EX 405Exhibition Development Seminar00000
CSCE 326Wheel Throwing00000
FA 5602MFA Studio VI00000
AN 210Otherworldly: Puppets & Sets00000
FB 215Millinery Workshop00000
CSPD 207Creative Boot-Camp00000
FB 254Weaving: Color and Pattern00000
AN 340Stop-Motion Open Studio00000
CSPD 300Photoshop I00000
CE 399Special Topics in Ceramics00000
CSPD 314Indesign II00000
AN 255Digital Tools for Animation00000
CSPD 410Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro00000
CP 5598Graduate Independent Study in Curatorial Practice00000
CSPH 350Advanced Techniques In Digital Photography00000
AN 3663D Character Rigging: Concept through Construction00000
CSPR 315Relief and Intaglio00000
CP 5750Practicum II00000
CWRT 209Genre Experiments00000
CSPT 233Painting in Acrylics00000
CP 6200Graduate Seminar III00000
CWRT 305Poetry Quilting00000
AN 399Special Projects in Animation00000
CWRT 410Reading and Writing Graphic Narratives00000
CP 6700Thesis IV: Presentation00000
CWRT 5467Creative Non-Fiction Workshop00000
AN 272Animation in Unique Spaces00000
DESLD 5505Intersections of Business and Design I00000
CRST 5505Art, Land, and Landscape00000
DESLD 5550Competitive Advantage I00000
AN 499Animation Senior Thesis II00000
DR 252Life Drawing00000
CRST 5525Critical Voices00000
DR 298HStudio Drawing: Light & Shadow00000
AH 315Digital Media: History and Theory00000
DR 344Advanced Illusionism00000
CRT 5402Design Theory and Practice00000
ED 5202Introduction to Teaching Art in Schools00000
CE 206CCeramics: Raw Materials Workshop00000
ED 5307Introduction to Special Education00000
CRT 5524Crisis Century I00000
ED 5315BTeacher Assessment: edTPA - Part II00000
AN 305Advanced 3D Open Studio00000
ED 5598Graduate Independent Study - MAT00000
CRT 5619Thesis Writing00000
FA 499Senior Thesis II00000
CE 324Cast Ceramics: Module, Multiple and Mimic00000
FA 5601AMFA Winter Session00000
CSDR 202Focus on the Figure00000
FA 6501AMFA Winter Session00000
AH 301Arts of China00000
FB 207Garment Design and Production00000
CSDR 315Fundamentals of 2-D Design00000
FB 227Material Construction00000
CE 347Hybrid Methods00000
CSPD 220Intro To Art Therapy00000
AH 201Modernisms00000
AH 306Introduction to Art Criticism00000
AN 263Sound Design for Animators00000
AN 385Professional Practice for Animators I00000
CP 6000Graduate Seminar I00000
CSPT 250Painting II: Acrylics And Mixed Media00000