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MDC Homestead Course Reviews

Miami Dade College, Homestead

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
WCIS 104Behavior Management00000
WCIS 131Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC 1) (6.0 CE...00000
WCIS 285High Scope Module 2: Learning Environments and Adult-Student...00000
WCIS 323Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Directors (TICD)...00000
WCIS 110Entendiendo el TDAH y el Autismo (4.5 CEUs)00000
WCIS 144Operación de un Centro Infantil (Credencial de Director)00000
WCIS 308Manejo del Comportamiento (4.5 CEUs)00000
WCIS 108Computer Technology for Early Childhood Professionals - Begi...00000
WCIS 159Computer Technology for Early Childhood Professionals00000
WCIS 300Conferencia Educación Temprana-Interacciones Relevantes Pro...00000
WCIS 103Ambiente para Infantes y Parvulos (4.5 CEU's)00000
WCIS 133Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC 2)00000
WCIS 284Introduccion a High Scope Modulo 1: Principios Basicos y Est...00000
WCIS 311Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI) Infant-Todd...00000
WCIS 123Familia-Escuela y Comunidad00000
WCIS 173Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI) (2.0 CEUs)00000
WCIS 322Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (Preschool) 2.4 CE...00000
WCIS 105Curso de Preparacion para el CDA Nacional00000
WCIS 141Mente en Formacion (4.5 CEU's)00000
WCIS 291Intro High Scope Mod 1: Principios Basicos y Estrategias Apr...00000
WCIS 326Mas que un Cuentacuentos (4.5 CEUs)00000